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Felipe Miguel felipesilvax1
Hallo! Ich Bin Felipe Miguel, Epoch timestamp: 1068676095 I'm into Cybersec, Macfag, Sooner a Digital Nomad? Follow me for updates, and will know what i'm in

Miguel's Computer São Paulo

Lucas Gabriel lucasleirbag
Melhor amigo do código fonte


Beatriz Melo BeatrizMeloB
Full Stack Development and Cybersecurity Student.

Recife, Brazil

Jeferson Macedo JefMacedo
Entusiasta e apaixonado por tecnologia.


jovi joevtap
software engineering intern - computer information systems student - knowledge seeker


Moisés Salgado de Morais baraosalgado
I'm a Bank officer and business administrator. Specialist in Business Intelligence, Big Data and Analytics. I like Python, SQL.

Banco do Brasil São Paulo, SP - Brasil

Luísa Gisele Böck lgiselebock
Economist (Master's student in Economics and Development @ UFSM).

Universidade Federal de Santa Maria Santa Maria, RS