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Kenneth Prezkop LinuxRocks101
Nothing interesting... lol

Detroit MI, US

Lars Yndal Fuglsang Sørensen Yndal
A passionated developer within software and mechatronics.


romee fivetop

LS Cable&System Seoul

dqj dqj1998

amiPro 東京

Ivan ivanbistrovic

Wien, Österreich

Beach is a programmer zerofox-glitch
I'm learning to write code in C# and I don't really understand it yet
I am a artist.I am a programmer.I am a photographer.

Jana&Eye Lab ChengDu China

Dariusz Antoniuk QAston
I have a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a long career. Skills that make me effective at writing software in Rust, C++ and others.


Steven.Liu seraph115
Coding is a kind of life attitude.

Beijing, China

AnokLola lolayup
Shimin Li shiminli-cs
Associate Professor in Computer Science

Winona State University Winona, MN, USA

Ngo Phuong ngophuong
Keep looking up..


ZombieofCrypto rdavidson1911
I love to atomize code and put it all back together in a different, more meaningful way. I love writing code and developing automation

@ZOMBIEOFCRYPTO Land of The Living Dead

Abhisit Sangjan abhisit
A Passionate in Free Open Source Software


Lucas Thomaz lucasmrthomaz
Full Software Engineer

Financial Markets Nova Iguaçu RJ

902metalhead 902heavymetal
Hobby enthusiast and knowledge seeker
Marcus Kida kimar
Freelance Mobile App Developer and CEO @ Bearologics GmbH 👉 I'm solving problems through code. Want to build a PoC for your startup? Get in touch.

@Bearologics Berlin, Germany

Jefte Keller JefteKeller
Full Stack Dev | HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript (ES6+), React, Node.js, Python (Django, Flask) and SQL.