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Saleh salehjg

University of Salerno Italy

Sushin K sushink70
Information Security Software Engineer


Morell morellovich
Junior business data analyst from Germany working in multiple e-commerce development hubs.

Münster, Germany

EL BOUMTIRI SAAD Elboumtirisaad
Software Developer, consultant and educator, open source nut.

Consultant at Amadeus Nice, France

Per von Rosen pervrosen
I have a hobby with special interest in Deep Learning and Reinforcement Learning, Business and IT Architect and former Trader, Portfolio Manager

Stockholm, Sweden

Reza Sayar Reza2kn

Vancouver, Canada

Eric shjborage
iOS、Full Stack!

Saick China, Beijing

Wickramaranga Abeygunawardhana umstek
Engineer, Autodidact, Polyglot programmer. Currently focusing on TypeScript React, AI/LLMs.

@meetrix Sri Lanka

Manick Manick94
I'm an Electronics Engineer passionate about Computer Technology and Internet. Visit here to know more @

GrapeMotion Chennai

Matthew Erxleben matterxleben
Management Engineering @ University of Waterloo


Calixto Ong bhongong
Creating something out of nothing
hossein rahmani-hossein
Causality & Machine Learning Enthusiast MSc of Applied Mathematics at UBC (Causality Sep2023- present) Ex Cs bachelor at Sharif Univesity of Tech.

University of British Columbia

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Tim Kersey tkersey
If you'd have asked me when I was 3 what I wanted to be when I grew up I would have said a bologna sandwich

@thisisartium Los Angeles, CA

Alexey Sumarok asumaroks
Hello! My name is Alexey, and I'm an experienced web developer with extensive experience in the field.

Sumarok.DEV Latvia

David Dennison davidldennison
🎯SEO Mastermind | Content Marketing Wiz | Noob Developer🚀Combining SEO expertise, dev tools, and innovation to thrive at the crossroads of marketing and tech!

David Dennison SEO Las Vegas, NV

Asif Ahmed Shuvo as99if
software engineer

Stuttgart, Germany

Iliyan Petkov iliyan-s-petkov

DojoBits Sofia, Bulgaria

dagonmeister itzjac
Video Game Developer C++/UnrealEngine4 I love horror and the evil arts


leeoxiang notedit


Emin GENC emingenc

Vancouver BC Canada

Larry imlarry
Database geek by trade and embedded controller controlled widgets as a hobby.

Redmond WA

"Building the future, one line of code at a time and Creating solutions, one commit at a time"
Hao Hao Tan gudgud96
ML & Music / Audio


Vihaan Tarale vtarale
Student(9th Grade)

Bangalore, India

Hao Liu haoliu0419

Stockholm, Sweden