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chris chris-c-thomas

@Argonne-National-Laboratory Chicago, IL

Andy Braren andybraren
Product designer

Red Hat

Ryan Altvater ryanaltvater
Senior UX Engineer, DevOps 🚀 at Red Hat

Red Hat Raleigh, NC

Fernando Bold yello-genai
A seasoned product lead and AI enthusiast with a degree in Production Engineering and specializations in Innovation, Strategic Management, AI, and Data Science.

Yello Solar Hub Rio de Janeiro

Felipe Pereira felipeoap

Red Hat Partner / DevOps Brasília - Brazil

Cheryl Little littledezine
Principal UX Designer @RedHatOfficial

@RedHatOfficial Los Angeles, CA, USA

Chellappan ChellappanRajan
FullStack JavaScript Developer | Stackoverflow contributor. 🅰️ Angular, ❄ Reactjs, 🎨 Design Systems, 💡 TypeScript, ⚡️ RxJS and ♻️ NgRx

Caterpillar Colachel

Q YuezhenQin

HSBC Guangzhou, China

Liliane Araujo Santos lilianearaujostos
UX Researcher

Portabilis Tecnologia

Sumit Ridhal sumitridhal
Full Stack Developer

Pune, MH, India

Nikki Massaro nikkimk
Develops open-source web components to make content accessible, media rich and interactive.

@Adobe Hollidaysburg, PA

Kelsey S. kelsS
Senior Software Engineer and Accessibility Lead at Red Hat. Insatiably curious.

@RedHat-UX NC

Tyler Andor tyandor

Colorado Springs, CO

Emilie Nouveau Nouveau

@RedHat-UX Portland, OR

Brian F. brianferry
We must cultivate our garden

Red Hat