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Lars-Eivind Bjørtvedt lbjortvedt

Visma Enterprise Kristiansand

Kristoffer Eide ChrisBit
Full stack developer, ethical hacker

Bergen, Norway

Rolf Riis Bjørnsen rolfrb
Content designer @gjensidige

@Gjensidige Risør, Norway

Andreas Atakan AndreasAtakan
Full-stack developer specialised in geospatial applications

Bergen, Norway

Z[F]× Z-F-x
Autopilot on planes is good, but the human pilot has to know how to fly the plane.
Pavel Milkevich pmi

@enonic Oslo, Norway

Maurício Moreira-Soares phydev
Data scientist.

Skatteetaten Oslo, Norway

Sigurd Fosseng laat
doing as little as possible

NRK Norway

Pippi A. Tednes jegerpippi
Jeg er ikke en jeger. Jeg heter Pippi. Seriøst. Jeg gjør det.
Kristoffer Larsen Hopland khopland

@Skatteetaten Oslo, Norway

Alex alexD1990
Data scientist and aspiring Data engineer.

Skatteetaten Norway

Gunnar K. Halvorsen ghalv
Engineer and developer

@bouvet Norway

Alexander Alemayhu aalemayhu
self-taught developer, fintech during the day and at night building tools mostly for fun #FOSS 🇳🇴 Oslo, Norway