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Brayden Youngberg bjyberg

Alliance of Bioversity and CIAT

@GeddesRs AVI-ONE
AEROSPACE & AVIATION Consultants working towards the implementation of the UN’s 2030 sustainable development goals.

Victoria BC Canada

Jooyoung-Lee petabytekr
Map services and GIS

@gcensoft Seoul

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

ringsaturn ringsaturn

@caiyunapp Beijing

Ibrahim Mohammed mapsgeek
GIS Fullstack developer & Cartographer



@airbus Toulouse

echoxiangzhou echoxiangzhou
Oceanographic Data Management and Analysis

IOCAS Qindao

Johann Desloires j-desloires
Passionate about leveraging satellite data and machine learning to revolutionize agriculture.


Vincent vijdz

@LaTeleScop Montpellier, France

Matthew Whittle MatthewJWhittle
AssociateData Scientist @ SLR Consulting. Background in ecology and environmental consulting. Passion for using data science to solve biodiversity challenges

SLR Consulting Leeds, UK

Thomas Chavakis tomchavakis
Software Developer C#, Go, .NET Core


Batuhan Kavlak bkavlak
Traveling around the Earth on the web.

UP42 Berlin

chanakin chrischank
Perpetually confused ~SoyDev~

Financial Services

Zac Deziel zacdezgeo
Product Manager @developmentseed

Development Seed Squamish, BC

David Youssefi dyoussef

@CNES, @MISS3D France

Jeff Faudi jeffaudi
Solving Earth challenges with Satellite Imagery and Deep Learning

DL4EO New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

Robin Cole robmarkcole
Tackling the worlds toughest challenges with AI & ML applied to satellite imagery

@earthdaily London, UK

Jakob Miksch JakobMiksch
Geospatial Developer

@siticom Heidelberg, Germany, Europe