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mohamad ashrafi mohamad-ashrafi
PHP | Laravel | Wordpress | Dart | Flutter | Reactjs | Nextjs | TypeScript | MySQL | Redis | Docker

@CodeKitAgancy iran , karaj

parseccentric parseccentric
I make digital tools and experiences to help people shape their own realities into their dreams.


erik lundstedt erikLundstedt
i dont really use github much gitLab is were its at


Aditia A. Pratama aditiapratama
I help Animation Studio deliver the works by streamline production pipeline | Animation Producer and CG Technical Director.

@Warnakala Studios Cyberjaya, Malaysia

Keith Kimani kimmycodergr33z
Ethical hacking and Cybersecurity, Programmer, A. I, Game dev

Kikuyu, Kiambu, Kenya

Nevyn Bengtsson nevyn

@alloverse and @lookback Stockholm (formerly San Francisco)