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Thiago Beier thiagogbeier
Cloud Solution Architect - Intune @ Microsoft MVP Intune Security & MDM advocate Automator with Jenkins & Powershell.

Microsoft Toronto

Ivan Josipovic IvanJosipovic
A passionate DevOps Engineer and Full Stack Developer focusing on Cloud Native technologies.

Vancouver, BC, Canada


Microsoft Hong Kong

Arnaud Lheureux arnaudlh
I build a thing or two @ Microsoft

Microsoft Singapore

Laurence Benjamin ljbenjamin
Azure Technical Specialist @microsoft


David Sanchez dsanchezcr
Global Black Belt Specialist - Azure Developer Productivity @microsoft

@GitHub Orlando, Florida, USA

Lavakumar Ramesh Lava2014
Azure Engineer

Tata Consultancy Services Limited Redditch, United Kingdom

Arun marunmohan
Lead Engineer, Kubernetes, Helm, Azure Administrator
Diego Casati dcasati
Azure Global Black Belt Team at @microsoft. Kubernetes, Containers

@Microsoft Calgary, AB

Luke Murray lukemurraynz
Technical Consultant, Azure Solutions Architect Expert, Microsoft Azure MVP & Technologist.

Hamilton, New Zealand

Nirmal Thewarathanthri nthewara
Azure Adv Networking Specialist @microsoft

@Microsoft Perth, Australia

Simon Kurtz simonkurtz-MSFT
Principal Cloud Solution Architect - Azure App Innovation

Microsoft Columbia, MD

Jaideep jaideepcodes

@Microsoft Bangalore

Moary Chen moarychan
Keep fighting

Chinasoft Xi'an, China

April Dunnam aprildunnam
Microsoft MVP Alumni, Senior Power Platform Advocate at Microsoft. Power Addict

@Microsoft Tulsa, OK

Bill Tomasiewicz wtomaz808

Microsoft Honolulu, HI

Ray Kao raykao
Husband. Father. Award eligible primate. Open Source, Developer Experience and Platform Engineering @microsoft - Azure Global Black Belt Team

@Microsoft @GitHub Toronto/Earth-616

Pankaj Agrawal pankajagrawal16
On bit bucket as

@aws @awslabs @microsoft @azure @bring Oslo

Dennis Zielke denniszielke
Cloud Native #AI Architect @microsoft

@Microsoft @Azure Germany

Dr. Amit Puri amitpuri
Interested in #AI #Cloud, #Web, #Mobility, #Data, #ML, #IoT, #Microsoft365, #Azure, #Python, #R, #PowerPlatform And my son on GitHub @ishanpuri


Gustav Kaleta gkaleta
Microsoft Black Belt - Cloud Application Development

Microsoft Copenhagen

Ricardo Machado rjfmachado
Principal Engineer, Azure CXP

Microsoft Ericeira, Portugal

Chris McKee ChrisMcKee1

@microsoft Austin Texas

Jim Szubryt jszubryt

Microsoft United States

Colin McCullough colincmac
Developer and Cloud/Software architect for enterprise solutions. Focusing on industries that need some extra attention for compliance.


Ray Carneiro rcarneironet
CTO, Ex-Microsoft, C# coder, AI builder

CTO at Witan Technologies Brazil