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Ar7al AbdelilahOu
I love building software


Pavol Hejny hejny
✨ Creating the next generation of human-computer languages

Promptbook Prague

Fernando Belotto fernandobelotto
I live to drive education and technology forward.

Campinas, SP

Sayo wtfsayo
The ticker is $ai16z


Nick Liebmann Liebmann5
"And how about Marla Hooch. What a hitter." - A League of Their Own

Santa Clarita, CA

eg canering

Tampa, FL

Joel Hooks joelhooks
working on @skillrecordings building Badass Courses like @pro-tailwind and @total-typescript Vancouver, WA

Carlos Bronze bronze

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Jeremy Brayton w0rd-driven
Full Stack Web Developer. Comedy nerd. Cat boss (really they're my boss but I can pretend).

Orange / The reThink Group Woodstock, GA

Vojta Holik vojtaholik
Building badass course platforms.

@badass-courses @skillrecordings @eggheadio online