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Sally Lee brain-ninja
๐Ÿ‘‹ Hi, Iโ€™m @brain-ninja - ๐Ÿ‘€ Iโ€™m a PhD Candidate using Bioinformatic tools and Genomic Analysis's in Brain Cancer - ๐ŸŒฑ Iโ€™m learning Code, Git, Neurosciences,
Jimmy Briggs jimbrig
Striving to be a Modern Age Polymath

@noclocks Atlanta, GA, USA

Aljoscha Kretschmann gladiolh

Interlabor Belp AG Swizerland

Kristi kristiELLL
๐Ÿ–‡ Molecular Biologist, skilled in analyzing genomic data and developing computational tools to answer biological questions. Experienced in Python and R.
Dejan Trajkovic trajkd
I'm a student mainly interested in the tech/informatics field. I'm constantly on the search to learn new skills and to build projects on a wide range of topics.

Geneva, Switzerland