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Tulio A M Mendes tadryanom
CEO at Makesys Tecnologia. Knowledges: Linux, FreeBSD and Windows OSes; C/C++, Assembly x86/MIPS, Pascal, PHP, Java, JavaScript and Python programing languages.
Tristan Bietsch TristanBietsch
Founder of BitEscrow & Nummus

@BitEscrow / @NummusBTC

Shubham Yadav batmnnn
a early software developer
Matija Osrečki matijaoe
I do the codes

@theydo Croatia

apX13_ amitx13
Contributing to open-source projects for a decentralized future. 🚀<3
SREEHARI sreehariX
I am second year mechanical engineering student at IIT Bombay who has interest in solving problems through coding.
Alex Won dnjscksdn98
Blockchain Software Engineer (Rustacean)

@bifrost-platform Seoul, Republic of Korea

Gideon Bature GideonBature
Software Engineer | Technical Writer | iDoHardThings


Matthias Debernardini matthiasdebernardini
bitcoin and stuff that goes brrrrr


Y11 XiaomingX
Software Dev @ X | Linux, Java, Spring, Python, Go, Next.js | Open Source Enthusiast | LLM Innovator | M.Sc. in Software Engineering 🚀

uhaka japan

Yogansh Sharma YoganshSharma
Building Myself | Undergraduate at IIT KGP |

@kossiitkgp @tsg-iitkgp Everywhere

Ben Allen benalleng
Full Stack Software Dev PGP: 8C8D A770 E42B F7A1 A234 B7A4 B450 2E94 94B9 FD03


Ram pseudoramdom
Nostr: npub1rammmfye8yvws8u2587ylnqt47h78k79ew28pqu9e2mppcypjlysukejd2
shytypes1028 AdamuAbba
Keep Cooking 👨🏿‍🍳❤️‍🔥


AU_gdev_19 Dargon789


Arnav Verma namesarnav
i code lol

United States

Henry Barreto henrybarreto
Software developer specialized in Back-end.

@shellhub-io Brazil, Bahia, Xique-Xique

AI in PM ai-in-pm
Influencing AI in Project Management.
Felix Schröter felschr
Turning 🍵 into scalable systems.

up² | upsquared Germany

Develon develon2015
If you know, you know
Daniela dggtn

freelance Argentina

Setor setavenger
Hacking along and building BlindBit
wizardom00 wizardom00
meno male che c'è git
codingp110 110CodingP
M4k1n9 M0n3y B3tt3r
Matheus Duarte matheusduartedm
Analyst at PSR | Electrical Engineer at UFRJ | General Engineer at Centrale Lille

@psrenergy Rio de Janeiro