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AdedamolaXL AdedamolaXL
Cyberroninn. Cyber0x.
Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Juan Diosdado xuanmir
Made up of atoms, bits, memes, and dreams.


Artem zhiganov

Harmonica London

Esra Yaşar tamayasar
MS student in computational social sciences exploring Catastrophe, Chaos, Ergodic Theory and simulating the ising model on a cellular automaton.

Koç University İstanbul

Arnold 1a35e1
Web3 builder.
Artem Khromov artem-khromov

Siren Aerospace Germany, Dusseldorf

David Flanders Tuke david-flanders-tuke
Policy and Economics Research Advisor

Curtin University Melbourne & Perth

dora d0ra-1h3-3xpl0ra
Full-Stack Web 3.0 Dev based in Zürich/Zug, tldr: Me => Building, tinkering and hacking stuff together, ideally fast, clean & elegant... pm for collab on TG

Dora the Explora Exploration Ltd. Mempool

Aleksandr bakhliustov
Data Scientist | AI/ML Enthusiast

Warsaw, Poland

Lindon Vaz L-Vaz
currently a third year Mechanical Engineering student at Coventry University
Yannik softstackio

@softstack Germany

Johnnatan Messias johnnatan-messias
Research Scientist | Data Scientist | Ph.D Candidate


Bernardo Forbes Costa PhD bforbesc
Data Scientist • Professor

Nova School of Business and Economics Portugal

pzdrk id-2

@yolorollo @ton-bot @pizdarikihq @hummingcraft @webmindapp @jetrover @christofari human in the loop

NhungVu NhungVu910

SungKyunKwan University Suwon, Korea

Giorgi Orbeliani ORB-8888
// end-user empowerment

explorills community Earth

daiday daiday
C++/Computer Graphics programmer
Jeff Schulman jeffschulman

@PennState State College, PA

Stemfie3D Stemfie3D
The free 3D-printable educational construction-set toy you can download and make at home! Sweden

Chris Vaisnor cvaisnor

San Francisco Bay Area

Joe jmtrensh

Grand Rapids, MI

👋 building the open funding stack = ai-pgf Potlock | AI-PGF | NEAR

Potluck Labs THE STREETS

0xlide.lens 0xlide
Contribute: Saucy Block


Hello, I'm Daniel and I'm interested in scientific computing, engineering. Currently working on a causal modelling tool.
Luan van Pletsen featherware
Software Engineer - Python / ML
OOO Oscor

OOO taiwan

OstapKharysh ostapkharysh
Pursuing MSc of Data Science. I fill enthusiastic about data and how it could be used for business decisions: customer behavior, retail and marketing!

EIT Digital Master School Lviv, Ukraine