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Mathieu Debove debovema

Red Hat Paris, France

Gugustinette Gugustinette
22 years old | Music Composer | Web Developer

Enedis Nantes, France

Quentin LE DELAS qledelas

@Capgemini-Architects Nantes

PatrX PatrickBernard
System administrator Linux - Gamedev


Alan Amoyel aamoyel
French Kubernetes ☸ & Open-Source enthusiast !

Kubo Labs Paris, France

Pascal HUYNH pahuynh

Idris, CNRS Paris, France

Datascientist, previously platform DevOps

INSEE Fontainebleau, FRANCE

Thomas Labarussias Issif
Sr Developer Advocate, CNCF Ambassador, Former SRE at Qonto, Former SRE, AWS Expert and FinOps at Claranet, CNCF Ambassador


Adrien Chauve achauve
DevSecops / Tech Lead / Senior full stack developper - ex Cofounder EthicAdvisor and @Serenytics

@DNUM-SocialGouv Blois - Tours

Cédric Montagne cmon33
Linux Sysadmin | DevOps Consultant
Thomas Féraud feraudt
Information Systems engineer from CentraleSupélec (Paris-Saclay university)

Polyconseil France


IRSN Fontenay-aux-Roses

vhash LucasVanHaaren
n00by h4xx0r


Andy Tan tanandy
Solutions Architect / DevOps / Cloud
Thomas ThomasMerci
Student account - data
Pierre Ozoux pierreozoux
Developing a libre kubernetes distribution Redecentralizing the web with

@indiehosters France

Vincent RABAH itwars
Just happy to live / Architect France travail 👍GreenIT: addict ❤️Ansible: YES YES YES 😁Golang: YES 👑CLI: what else?

Oceans Bordeaux, France

Nonot ArnaudTA

Bordeaux, France