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YANG Zhiwei Nicozwy
My nickname is Nicozwy. I am currently at Jinan University.

Jinan University GuangZhou

itsKayWat itsKayWat
👋 I'm Chris Loetz, I make stuff. Crafting tools to help stores and teams streamline operations and enhance efficiency - TikTok: @ll_kaywat_ll - OnPoint

NexusStream Project Ai One Click Away From You =P

gloomy mengtianyoo
senior student i feel i am learning everything

HENU earth

Roy 6Roy
An East China Normal University student.Contribute to other open source projects.

Beijing Company Shanghai

RexWang RexWzh
A PhD student in Computer Science at ECNU
ypcpy Kensuke-Hinata
greedy is bad

redocpot Shenzhen, China

Zhiyuan Peng pzy2000
A PhD student at SJTU. CodeGen. Slow to respond.

Shanghai Jiaotong University Shanghai

BruthYU BruthYU
PhD. Candidate, School of Computer Science and Technology, East China Normal University

ICALK, ECNU Shanghai

quqinglei crouse

perfect world Beijing, China

rexpic zhihongecnu
爱可可-爱生活 fly51fly
BUPT prof | Sharing latest AI papers & insights | Join me in embracing the AI revolution! #MachineLearning #AI #Innovation

PRIS BeiJing

Xinlin Zhuang mihara-bot
CS Student in ECNU. Research interset: LLM, Ocean Engineering
ChunFuWu wuchunfu
Open Source Enthusiast; Committer of @apache SeaTunnel; Contributor of @apache DolphinScheduler, and etc. BigData, CloudNative, DevOps


LM lanmanok


Hao Zhou zh-i9
a master student in the East China Normal University.

华东师范大学 上海

Wei Tao itaowei
O Troupe of little vagrants of the world, leave your footprints in my words. ——Tagore 《Stray Birds》

Ph.D@Fudan University Shanghai, China

fei zuo githubzuoyi
open resource lover

ol NanJing