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Kessy Abarenkov kessya

University of Tartu

Ankita Murmu ankitamurmu
PhD Student | Oncology | Bioinformatics

Semmelweis University Hungary

Rishika Gupta risg99
Data and Analyst Intern at L'Oreal

L'Oreal, Erasmus BDMA'24 (ULB, UPC, UPS), ICICI Lombard, CS SPIT'21 Paris, France

Corinne Martin corinnemartin
Impact evaluation and International relations

Cambridge (UK)

Luiz Ladeira luiz-ladeira
Post-doctoral researcher at the Biomechanics Research Unit (GIGA In Silico Medicine), University of Liège.

University of Liège Liège, BE

Douglas Felipe DougFelipe
Biomedical Scientist, MSc in Bioinformatics, and PhD Student in Bioinformatics | Bachelor's Student in Software Engineering

Bioinformatics Multidisciplinary Environment Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte

Gil Poiares-Oliveira GilOliveira
Molecular Biologist helping researchers be better stewards of their biological data

@INESC-ID @BioData-PT @elixir-europe Lisbon, Portugal

Uladzislau Vadadokhau uladzislau21
Molecular biologist with experience in Bioinformatics.

University of Helsinki Finland

Carlos Rangel-Peláez CarlosRangel23
CSIC Researcher || MSc in Omic Data Analysis and Systems Biology || Biochemist

Institute of Parasitology and Biomedicine "López-Neyra" (IPBLN) Granada, Spain

Pavel Nikonorov pavelnikonorov

@genxnetwork Hinxton, Cambridgeshire


Aix-Marseille Université - INSERM U1251 - Marseille Medical Genetics

Marek tobiasmarek
Bioinformatics at Charles Uni
Helge Hecht hechth
PhD Student at RECETOX / Research Software Engineer

@RECETOX Brno, Czech Republic

Vilem Ded vildead
data stewardship and data protection
Vivek Srivastav VivekSrvstV
Researcher, interested in Bioinformatics, Data Science, Machine Learning and AI.

Technical University of Munich Munich

Jacques Dainat Juke34
Bioinformatician at IRD

IRD Montpellier, France

Nami Sunami nsunami
Research Data Steward at TU/e | Maintainer of ResearchEquals at @libscie


Xenia Perez Sitja sitjart
Talk to me about science–either with a glass of wine, a pint of beer or a cup of coffee! #SciComm #DataStewardship #WomenInScience

Earlham Institute (ELIXIR-UK) United Kingdom

I am a PhD student in the University of Sheffield. My work is on crop domestication and modeling.

The University of Sheffield Sheffield, UK

Sara Morsy SaraMorsy
Hi There, this is my GitHub account for collaborative projects. For the approved codes and my research projects, head to @Sara-Morsy
Damiano Piovesan damianopiovesan
Associate Professor, University of Padova, Italy

BioComputingUP Lab Padova, Italy

Suresh Kumar M suresh2014
Bacterial pathogens, Genomics, One Health and Epidemiology

University of Hyderabad, India India

Prashant Vaidyanathan PrashantVaidyanathan
Group Lead for Data Architecture
