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Marco Köppel toastedtoast
Dedicated Technologist. Bold User Interface Developer. Loving Father.

Frankfurt am Main

Tell Hensel t3llscode
I like automation.

@merckgroup Darmstadt, Germany

Mohan M mohandeveloper2020
UI developer and UX Designer

ITC Infotech Bangalore, India

Susanta Chakraborty susanta96
React enthusiast and SCSS lover. Exploring the possibilities of what's next.

@AS-Devs @Deloitte-Default @emerson-enterprise-it Bangalore

Dan ldmax
Retail cryptocurrencies/futures trader in spare time. Like cycling and hiking.

Merck Chengdu, China

Mathias Winkel dasmy

@merckgroup Darmstadt, Germany

Hashan Shalitha hashaaan
Co-Founder @devzerstudios | Front-end Engineer @ Rightmo | Graduated BSc (Hons) in Computing from Coventry University, UK with a First Class Honours

@rightmo-web Colombo, Sri Lanka