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Manuel Freitas freitasmanuel
💻 Consultor Senior TI/Ing. de Sistemas | Optimización Matemática (ORMS) | AI/ML | Risk Analysis (QRA) | Software Dev | Python | R | Julia | C++ | Java | .NET

Consultor Senior TI/Ing. de Sistemas Maracaibo/Zulia/Venezuela

jose 0joseDark
lover of science, biology and robotics, and programming is fun

Barreiro, Portugal

Gideon Chukwukagideon
Hello there! welcome to my page. On the path of greatness | Python | ML/Ai

Lagos, Nigeria

profe TheMolecularDynamicsProfessor
Professor of Material Physics & Molecular Simulations at the university level.
ZhouDe spike-cmd
Chongqing meidical university biomedical engineering

Chongqing Medical university Chongqing Medical university

JDS vmmandalorian
🌱 Aspiring coder diving into the world of programming. Learning one line of code at a time. Passionate about tech, open-source, and continuous learning. 🚀


Davi Almeida Liandro PoopZera


P小二 xxg1413
The quieter you become, the more you can hear.


Bui Minh Cuong kyoo-147
AI | Embedded | Computer Vision | Machine Learning | LLMs

NaVin VietNam