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Kyler Johnson KylerJohnsonDev
Sr. Principal Software Engineer, specializing in Angular, React, Vue and .NET technologies.
Chris chrisbbreuer
Creator of @stacksjs.

@stacksjs Los Angeles, CA

Hau Nguyen hausg

Sai Gon, Viet Nam

Mahmoud Galal Mahmoudgalalz
Software Engineer | Backend adore Cloud and SRE Engineering @zjunior-infra

@zjunior-infra Egypt, Cairo

Ali Majed 3lawi964
Hakuna Matata

Iraq, Baghdad

Ibrahem Alward Ibrahemherzallah
Software engineering || MERN Stack developer

Harri Palestine-Jenin

Abdelrahman Awad logaretm
Senior Engineer | 🤓 GDE in Web Technologies | 🎙️ Podcast Host | I dabble in Vue.js 💚 TypeScript 💙 and GraphQL 🩷

@Rasayel Cairo, Egypt

Omar omar-labana
I eat chicken and tell computers what to do

Cairo, Egypt