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Trevor Bedson Prorickey
I like to code sometimes

United States

Ganesh Navale GaneshNavale
I am a Sr. software engineer currently work for Tech9 and on whatever else I feel like. Ruby and Ruby on Rails are my weapons of choice at the moment.

Pune, Maharashtra.

Jack Chez-Guy
YouTuber, Streamer, and college student with a major in IT and Entrepreneurship

Chezito & Co. LLC New Jersey, United States

Do Trinh dotrinh-DM
Senior Mobile Delivery Manager (love building)

Universal Software Engineering Inc. Global, Vietnam, Japan

Guillaume Thomas guillaumert

Luminary Cloud Seattle

oakleafknight06 Oakleafknight06
Minecraft Modder, Linux User, computer nerd


Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Peter Gyorfi apgyorfi

Székesfehérvár, Hungary

Velimir Đurković djvelimir
Highly experienced Senior Software Engineer. Proficient in a range of technologies including .NET, Java, Angular, JavaScript, and TypeScript.

Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Serbia

Margarita Kikis1984

San Jose City college San Jose CA

JS JStk-Dev
🎓 Student & 🔬 Researcher in automation 🤖 and ML 📊

JS Somewhere in the World

Sam Jeffs quacksire
Transit Advocate, Frontend Developer, & Amateur Photographer

San Francisco

Thorn Chorn chornthorn
Software Developer


George Robinson Georgesussex
Learning Technologist at the University of Sussex

University of Sussex

Grant McCurdy Mr-McCurdy
Math Teacher

Pacifica Christian High School

pzdrk id-2

@yolorollo @ton-bot @pizdarikihq @hummingcraft @webmindapp @jetrover @christofari human in the loop

Akshay Borade akshay-cs-borade
I am a Senior Ruby on Rails Developer with 10+ years of experience, specializing in building robust and scalable web applications.
Krivoshchekov Artem DreadfulBot
Cybersecurity specialist, full-stack developer. Major stacks: 1. SharePoint + ReactJS 2. Laravel + Vue, kondraland, lanit, p2pseller Buenos Aires, Argentina

Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Product Manager / Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Denver, CO

Nissi Nassime RtillaWork
Software Developer | Full-Stack | Life Time Apprentice | New Grad | Do Androids Dream of /proc/self?

Loading... Internet, Everywhere, The Osmos

Aron Kovacs kovaron

Budapest, Hungary

Fritz ‘Fido’ The CAT Fritz8887


Ulises Santiago Caceres Licona ulisesSan
Google Developer Student Club UAEM Valle de México
@rotcivDev rotcivDev
father, developer, skeptical.


Vincent Phung vincenthphung
Full-Stack Developer | IT Support Specialist Building web apps with Python, Django, React. Skilled in network troubleshooting and tech support.

Los Angeles CA

rizal rizalrinoldi
tech artisan

Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Eshan I. Nazchanel
Undergraduate student at the University of Maryland specializing in machine learning, web scraping, and web apps.

College Park, Maryland USA

Christian Schlusche cschlusche
Software developer | Vue.js, TypeScript, Deno, PHP & MySQL

self-employed Duisburg, Germany