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Benjamin Maziku Mashimba benny-png
Python geek </>, polymath🤓, Computer Vision and ML practitioner👨🏻‍💻, Scientist🧪, Marvel fan 🕷... For the love of science and Tech! 🚀

UDSM 3D Robotics Lab Dar Es Salaam, TANZANIA

Noel noelmakubi

Dunia-Digital Tanzania

Maxmillian Urio airiermonster
Software Engineer Arusha, Tanzania

airiermonster Tengeru, Arusha - Tanzania

Julius Marenga marenga14

@SafiriApps @luku-chap @OPEN-SMARTCONTRACTS @Glowingworld Dar es Salaam

Mohamed Singano ms3c
still learning math and science

Dar Computer Labs (DarLabs) Dar es salaam

Jordan Kalebu Kalebu
Python Developer | Rust | Javascript | Golang | C/C++ | MachineLearning | OpenSource

@NeuroTech-HQ Dar es Salaam , Tanzania

Faustina F Honsiah fhonsiah
System Analyst/Developer with demonstrated 4 years experience

Swahili Developers Dodoma

Shiro juliustm
Senior Developer @irabudev

irabu Company Ltd Tanzania