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Rafiudeen Chozhan Kumarasamy rafialhamd
Founder, | Hedera Hashgraph Consultant | Blockchain, DLT & DApps Enthusiast | Solution Archtect | Sr JAVA Consultant.


itsKayWat itsKayWat
👋 I'm Chris Loetz, I make stuff. Crafting tools to help stores and teams streamline operations and enhance efficiency - TikTok: @ll_kaywat_ll - OnPoint

NexusStream Project Ai One Click Away From You =P

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Damba Paul d8paul
A Blockchain, Solidity, and Web3 Developer passionate about building decentralized web and mobile applications (dApps) and smart contracts.

DevLorde Africa

Thiago Coutinho ThiagoCoutinh0
Análista de Sistemas, Infraestrutura e Cybersegurança.
Alaref Abushaala alaref-codes
I am a Software Engineer graduated at the College of Electronic Technology. I have a strong focus on back-end development.


Shaun shaundma

DMA Amsterdam

Seth McCauley JOEsDC-Seth

Joe's Datacenter, LLC 1325 Tracy Ave, Kansas City, MO 64106

Vadim Madgazin vadimrm

Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Sadem Mhamdi sademmhamdi
Full Stack Developer | AI & Cloud Enthusiast Passionate about building web applications, mobile applications, AI model integrations, and smart native websites.

Amaziverse Canada

Paolo tspaolorus
Paolo Russignan
Soma Szelpal shakahl
Full-Stack Architect • SWE • DevOps • SRE • Gopher „live long and prosper!” ― 🖖🏻 Spock Marrying AI with DevOps since 2023...

Mastermind at Shakahl Ltd. • Used to made GitLab's AutoDevOps possible on GitHub Actios at • Did modern DevOps scale-ups at • • • used to worked on Jasmin at Docler Warsaw, Poland

Habib ouldmoussa Habibouldmoussa
Sr developer web Langage: PHP,JS,SQL,TS Alger

jair bezerra Jair4512bezerra

praia alagoas

Alex Gitonga sachgits

Wiflix movies inc Nairobi,Kenya

Pedro Henrique Andriola PedroAndriola
## Olá, eu sou Pedro.. chegado num container e numa Infra arquitetada...


Denny Cave mrcave

Cave Interactive Media Springfield IL

Léo Biscassi leobiscassi

Jungle Scout São Paulo, Brazil

Kallef Alexandre prhost

Orbital Tecnologia Curitiba, PR

Mohamed El Fadil Abuagla Fadil369
Enterprise Digital Solutions


Seth McCauley seth-mccauley

Virtuozzo Kansas City, MO

@webphl webphl
About Cloud integrator developer (level II) since 2019, I was a FrenchTech 2023 Laureate. I managed my companies in 2003 for 7 years and in 2011 for 4 years. France

Rahul Raut rahulmr
DevOps and Automation Head, a Freelancer and Algo Trader


Adek Lanin brndls

Jakarta, Indonesia

Joel Lusavuvu enigma972
Software Engineer and Tech lover ❤

Lussi Kinshasa, RDCongo


Theory Solutions Granby, CT

Patrick Vavrina pvavrina
GNU/Linux & FLOSS Geek
