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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


1102 nueavv

kakaopay Korea

Romeo Vicentiu OLARIU olariuromeo
Passionate about perfection

Coozila! ROMANIA

selkabli selkabli
changing life to an adventure
Eugene Letenkov letenkov
Software Engineer Expert (DevOps)

@letenkov Moscow

dongjiang dongjiang1989
I like share!

Baidu && Alibaba && DiDi && Huawei Beijing

Mert Gör 🇹🇷 hwpplayer1
I work at @qbnetworks which is a Cyber Security company that serves to the public 24/7/365. Commits by @masscollabs account and I lead to @procyberian PSD

@qbnetworks İstanbul , Türkiye

Anuj Agrawal anujagrawal699
SWE Intern @zolidar. Upcoming SWE Intern @google. Reviewer @karmada-io. LFX Mentee '24 @cncf. Open Source @wikimedia. I program in dreams.

Shri Guru Gobind Singhji Institute of Engineering and Technology Nanded

sirius siriuslin
Someone who wants to be stronger~
Mohamed Awnallah mohamedawnallah
Open Source Data Engineer exploring new frontiers and touching the stars with the power of data. ✨ GPG key: 3AB41BED6DC9C9188A65C5965D55706029E9B87E


Robert Unger ryou90
IT-Nerd, love sports, Entrepreneur

@in-hub Dresden, Germany

liduo lizonglingo
a visitor from Pop Star

Pop Star

Grissom Wang grissomsh
Cloud Native Technologist

Transwarp Shanghai

Valentin Delaye jonesbusy
Senior DevOps Engineer, GSoC mentor, Governance Board member for @jenkinsci

@jenkinsci contributor Lausanne, Switzerland

Wang Jiabao SpongeBob0318
SEL lab of ZJU

Zhejiang University Ningbo/Hangzhou Zhejiang

hale kammoun halekammoun
Cyber Security Engineering Student at TEK-UP | DevOps Enthusiast

TEK-UP Ariana

kartik-hash kartik695
Devops shopclues | freelancer | Trying to do better |

腾讯/同程旅行 成都

Ankit Kurmi Ankit152
Associate Site Reliability Engineer @ Red Hat | LFX Fall'24 mentee @cncf @jaegertracing | CKAD

Red Hat kolkata

shane shanezhiu
Talk is cheap,Show me the code.

Globalization Beijing,China

Nhat Tran nhat416

WeCloudData, Beamdata, Elegant by Design Toronto, Canada

warjiang warjiang

Southeast university China

Shivansh Bhatnagar shivansh-bhatnagar18
IITBHU-Mathematics And Computing (Junior Year)
IceWind yyeexxhhh
This is ice, This is water,Ice is sleeping water. Them is water, me too, but, I 'am sleep


CYJiang googs1025
Cloud Native Beginner | @kubernetes Member | @volcano-sh Member


myeong-han myeong-han

Okestro Seoul, Korea

TrN trungng1992
SysAd, SysOps, DevOps and Backend Developer.