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hafeez myapit
Learning is a never-ending journey

Home sweet home Malaysia

Nícolas Dornelles nkatte
(Ex)Mestrando em Computação, formado em Sistemas de Informação e com proficiência em linguagens interpretadas, dinâmicas e de script (Python, PHP e JavaScript).
Skyrix SkyrixFr
❤️ hardware and low-level lover Switching to codeberg,

pros pros2021
Change the world bit by bit in open source.。 Computer Programmer 。


You're only given a little spark of madness

Random Contrarian Insurgent Organization 0300-03CF

Sarath3192 sarath3192
IoT security software engineer

Bosch Global Software Technology Pvt Ltd Bangalore

antoniocrik AnthonyFl27
University student and Linux enthusiast


Aaron unrealapex
code, skate, music, boba
Robert Bridda briddarobert
Student at ITIS G. Segato

Belluno, Veneto, Italia

gonzalo gonzalo-
OpenBSD slacker. ::1

j3s biox
shell enjoyer. undead gopher. ops necromancer.

@digitalocean planet earth

Fabricio Silva fabricionaweb
Software developer


Lilith OkaVatti
I like breakfast burritos
RubenD rubend056
Living with @talebox

@talebox Miami, FL

Enjoy Work.
那思路(なしろ) mnipritom
I would rather feed pigeons.


mdw gecotron
Amateur programmer.

Certainly Somewhere

sagar godbole TechnicaRecruiter
Recruiting for DevOps positions

SAP Hunagry

Luca Bolognese lucabol

@Microsoft Xabia, Spain

1 7 3 dup rot 173duprot
Design Brutalist, Multidisciplinary Engineer, C + FORTH
Cristian Canedo criscanedo
Iain J. Reid iainjreid
JavaScript, TypeScript, Go, Scala, often open source at @emphori.

@orbiitai @emphori Leamington Spa, UK

A shellscript, python, c programmer. Moved to codeberg:
Berényi Bence nembenike
just a highschool student

@PetrikReal Budapest

sewn apprehensions
high school student

No clue (Cos Pangea split apart)

Victorien Elvinger Conaclos
@biomejs founder & lead maintainer. @INRIA R&D engineer and PhD. TypeScript & Rust 🦀 programmer. Researcher in distributed systems 🕸️, CRDT, embedded sys.

Inria Europe

Endode Endode
computer :3
