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Pranav Kumar Mishra pranavmishra90
Physician-scientist in training. Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at Rush University. I tinker with tech as a fun hobby, which then helps out at work!

Chicago, IL

Ayse A Koksoy AAKoksoy
Loves good biological questions and solving them with Python, expertise in molecular physiology, biophysics, and data analytics.
Glory J glorythe21st-web
Med-Pharmacology 💊⚕️: Learning.... (not stopping anytime)

Posterity Inc. Remote

MOMO momo-yh

Wuhan university

Xuemeng Zhang randomwalk10
Nothing. Everything.

美石生物 中国

Linh T. Duong linhduongtuan
Obtain a PhD in medical microbiology from the University of Greifswald, Germany. Interested in Microbiology, Molecular biology, Epidemiology, & Machine Learning

KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm - Sweden

Yomna Mohamed YumiA
Engineering Student at Imperial College London, Quantum Machine Learning Enthusiast, Author of 📖 Future Enterprise: Quantum Computing & Artificial Intelligence

Imperial College London London

Hauke Horstmann haukeh90
MD and Postdoctoral Research Fellow at University Heart Center Freiburg


Yanfeng Zhang youngorchuang
Genomics, Epigenetics, Non-coding RNA, Cancer Genetics, Autoimmune Disease, chromatin regulation

University of Alabama at Birmingham Birmingham, AL

Willem willemdek11

@ErasmusMC-Bioinformatics Netherlands

Yibo Xi xybio
Let Us All Unite
Ahmed Elghadban amaaty
Quantum Computing Evangelist | Author of 📖 Future Enterprise: Quantum Computing & Artificial Intelligence.

Heba Motea hmotea
Quantum Computing HealthCare.
Sarah Arena arenasg
Librarian turned Data Manager @labsyspharm

Harvard Medical School

ziqiang zonechen1994
AI engineering; student pursuing a PhD degree
Ahmed Khaled Saqr AhmedKhaledSaqr
Quantum Computing Quantum Algorithms Quantum Machine Learning


Rongting Huang Rongtingting
A little bit more. Colorful Heatmap PhD candidate at HKU, computational biology; Exchange graduate student at Harvard Medical School

The University of Hong Kong Hong Kong

Jianmin Wang AspirinCode
Drug Design , Linux enthusiast , Medicinal_Chemistry_&_ Synthesis , Chemoinformatics , Data Science, Python and C/C++ programmer,Bioinformatics,Deep Learning,AI

Yonsei University 中国(China)

Ajay Zalavadia ajay1685
Light microscopy, Electron microscopy and Bioimage informatics.
Tanmoy Sarkar Pias PiasTanmoy
Ph.D. Student Computer Science, Virginia Tech

Virginia Tech USA

Rumana (Ru) Rashid Ru-bixcube
Aspiring Physician-Scientist-Entrepreneur. Interested in data-driven medicine.
Pradeep Rajasekhar pr4deepr
Bioimage Analyst with a background in neuroscience and engineering. Particularly interested in Python, machine learning, data visualisation and analysis.

Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research Melbourne, Australia

Avishek Biswas abiswas97

@Saaf-Finance Bangalore

Yi Xiong Byronxy
M.D./PhD. student in Xiangya School of Medicine, CSU. Visiting research student in Sickkids Hospital, UofT

Xiangya hospital, Central South University Changsha