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D'Artagnan DrakkhenD

Virgo Supercluster

Corky Brown cbrown01

ParshipMeet Group New Hope, PA

Liviu livghit
🐙 are cool
Yauheni Levin EughenyLevinItrexGroup
iOS Developer

ITRext Group LLC Warsaw, Poland

Just doing stuff for fun! ps. I don't like AI
b1ackd0t rodneyosodo
Self proclaimed prophet.

Nairobi, Kenya

Bayu Muhammad Iqbal bayuiqballl
Learn by doing


Eric Lima ericlima
Software Developer


Jan Hülsmann thealpa
iOS Engineer @lovoo

@lovoo Chemnitz, Germany

Song Li sbookworm
A dreaming guy, but lazy :)

IBM China

Ayush Raj aayushrajj

Adrosonic Mumbai, India

Fabian Ehlert fabianehlert
Software Engineer


Tommy Mühle tommy-muehle
Principal engineer @lovoo · organizer of @php-usergroup-dresden and @gophers-dd

@lovoo Dresden, Germany

Felix Cornelius fcornelius
go/kotlin developer and enthusiast, organizer of @gophers-dd

Netlight Berlin, DE

Andre Leubner aleub
fullstack dev

dev @lovoo Germany, Dresden