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Hermes Martinez martinezhermes
Machine Learning Engineer & Computational Linguist. Passionate about Natural Language Processing & Machine Intelligence.

@aicoffeegroup Paris, France

Luigi Teschio gigitux
Developer. Open source enthusiast. Rap music lover.

@Automattic Naples, Italy


Siegerland | NRW | Germany | Eurasia | Terra

Max Walters theycallhermax
i like women


vivek ahirwar vivek52ah
Java Full Stack Developer
IBeTheBlueCat IBeTheBlueCat
amateur content creator and developer 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈

United Kingdom

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


nikolay asmus asmusoid
graphic designer, artist, developer
free man

Weyland-Yutani Corp San Francisco, California

Thilo Viereck profix898
Software architect, scientist in biomedical engineering and amateur astronomer.


just a foss lover looking up to a private future
S Santhosh Nagaraj yolossn
Anbe Sivam ♥️ | Backend, Distributed Systems | SWE @microsoft Past: @kinvolk @atlanhq
rock rock007
a mad coder & love code!
Alexandre GV. alexandregv
IT Lead @42paris, Alumni @42paris @42school

@42Paris Paris, France

YuKun yokonsan

Home NanJing



Guilherme Jansen guilhermejansen
Sou desenvolvedor Full Stack com experiência e bagagem desde 2005, minha tendência é foco em AI.

Setup Automatizado Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Alec Merdler alecmerdler
npm install left-pad

@authzed New York City

Agustin Arce aarcex3
QA Tester

Asuncion, Paraguay

Risyandi Risyandi
a minimalist, tech enthusiast, the happy cyclist, and digital nomad. 🌴💻 🚴

@ngarsa-digital Jatinangor, Indonesia

fossdd fossdd
@alpinelinux and @postmarketOS contributor

Cologne, Germany

Nakul Sharma NakulEjaro
Sr. iOS Developer

Ejaro Jeddah

David Akopov dav23r
Interested in OSS software. Fiddles in Linux, Networking, low-level stuff.

Tbilisi, Georgia