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George Elsham GeorgeElsham
Developing iOS apps

@AppUnwrapped UK

Siddhant Mehta metasidd
💪 70% Designer. 30% Engineer. 🎨 Previously at Slack, Google, Microsoft. 🔥 Passionate about shipping design related, open-source projects.

Founder, Designer, Engineer Toronto, Canada

Douglas Hewitt MadeByDouglas
Believer, Swift engineer, educator & entrepreneur

@boldflight Tokyo, Japan

bradley hollingshead uyguafat
er student in Artificial Intelligence
Sean Robinson SeanRobinson159
Swift Software Engineer

@HashiDev Utah

Andrew McKnight armcknight
💻 🧗🏻‍♂️ 🏔️ ⛷️ 🏂🏻 🚴🏻 👨🏻‍🍳 👨‍👩‍👧 🗺️ 🧳

@getsentry Fairbanks, AK

Fake FakeAK
Software engineer


yessenali yessenali
iOS dev

Almaty, Kazakhstan

Tony Tu rtu
Pythonista, Spark, Angular/React


Pavlo Shadov pshadov

@travelperk Berlin, Germany

Whatever happens tomorrow, we had today.

01.AI Beijing

Chris Zelazo chrszlz
Building your next design tool at Layer. Past: iOS @HowWeFeel, Cofounder @gatsbylabs, iOS/Creative Tech @pinterest

Layer San Francisco

Anıl AnilKaramis
Linux & Swift & SwiftUI Developer

@Teknasyon Istanbul, Turkey

Johannes Plunien plu
Random Engineer, currently working on the Kleinanzeigen iOS app.

Kleinanzeigen Germany

Michał MichalAlgor
iOS developer since 2012, recently hooked on Swift

Kraków, Poland

Sami Gündoğan devsmi16
Uludag University. iOS Developer 


Igor P-V ipv02
iOS Developer
Adi Rabinovich adir1
Self proclaimed Tech Guru, focused on making the World a better place for all!


Shaun Culver xsdc

Glucode Cape Town, South Africa

Tai Heng taiheng

@tucali Kitchener, ON, Canada

Duta Viorel-Ionut ionuttdt

Orange Services Bucharest

Chanphirom Sok chanphiromsok
👾👾 Many tries, many fail 👾👾


I help startups by building them beautiful apps!

@dialapp Casablanca, Morocco

Morten Skærsø skaersoe

@unbelievablelabs Earth

Conan ConanChou
Hack code and sound.

New York

kenty (ケンティー) ken-ty
Programmer (since 2016). Freelance (since2023). I'm looking for remote projects. Recently concentrating on Flutter 🩵. Enjoys board game 🎲 and sauna 🧖

@1AK-tokyo, closer 千葉

Joel Júnior joeljnr
iOS developer

Rio Branco, AC - Brazil

Juan Diosdado xuanmir
Made up of atoms, bits, memes, and dreams.
