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Gavin Zheng gavinzheng
Enthusiastic in BlockChain Technology. Full stack developer in Solidity programming, IPFS, ZKP, MPC,NFT, Rust, substrate, Quantitative Finance.白话区块链作者

Toronto, Canada

K Gunjan k-gunjan
Rust | Substrate | ZKP | Blockchain | Cryptography, Computer Network, Information/Cyber Security

Mumbai, India

Ziyan Ali Murtaza ziyanali30
developer to be. inspired to do Web 3 and explore other opportunities.

@ucp Pakistan

Iskander 0xisk


t MuhtasimTanmoy
🎨 🎨 🎨 🎨 🎨

Buet Earth

Katana Neil ahy231
Currently studying in University of Science and Technology of China
FoodChain FoodChain1028
Foodchain && Blockchain && zk

@social-tw @uog-zkp-lab @nethermindeth Earth

Ruchida Fai
Software Engineer with curious mind and interested in innovation.


nature loves to hide

@firstbatchxyz Istanbul

evalir Evalir
you can (not) rebase 🦀


Chen Wen Kang cwkang1998
Programming and Reading Enthusiast.


Boorich boorich
Curious Individual. Likes Boole, Turing and Church. Wears baseball caps day and night.

Ludwigslust, Germany

zeroone zeroone98
数据库(mysql,pg),系统(debian/k8s)运维/前端(vue)/后端(java,python,nodejs,golang)/合约(solidity)(在深圳工作5年), 毕业于电子科技大学

x thailand



Basem Alqera Atiq Basem815

University of Freiburg

Guillaume Claret clarus
Security researcher at @formal-land 🌲 for Web3 applications Applying the 🐓 proof system to find all the vulnerabilities.

Formal Land Paris

ZeroKPunk ZeroKPunk
zkp Engineer building AA service
Lane Rettig lrettig
Core R&D @spacemeshos. Also governance research, thinker, rain dancer, writer, marathoner, novice economist, mold breaker. I hack so I don't have to wear a suit

Spacemesh Anytown, Metaverse

Mutu Mutu-s
What should we do today?


Nicolas Gimenez nicobao
Software Engineer

Co-Founder & CTO @zkorum

sukrucildirr sukrucildirr
discord : sukrucildirr


Elad Verbin eladve
computer scientist, algorithmist

@BerlinInnovationVentures Berlin, Germany

William Wolf throughnothing
Interested in decentralized and distributed systems, blockchains, security, and privacy. Managing Partner @ Arche Capital.

Arche Capital

Abhishek Sinha avishkarabhishek786
I am a Blockchain developer and primarily work on Bitcoin, Ethereum and Defi applications. I primarily code in MERN and Javascript.

@Acquire-Legacy-Holdings Ranchi

Rishabh Gupta rishotics

Rize Labs, ex-Goldman Sachs Bangalore