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Egor Vasilenko KsyLight
Student of UNECON


Srikanth K S talegari
Explorations in causality, Interpretable Machine Learning, Statistics, geospatial analysis

Games24x7 Bengaluru

Sergey Ggoncharov segaRock
Do your best


Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


moses kiprono moseswebdev
πŸ‘‹ Hi, I’m @moseswebdev πŸ‘€ I’m interested in data analysis, policy development, and their practical applications. 🌱 I’m currently learning advanced EDA

Webdevmoh Washington DC

Mikhail Andronov Academich
PhD student at IDSIA/USI/SUPSI focusing on ML for chemistry

Swiss AI lab IDSIA Lugano

Melanie goldfishlaser
Interests: tech writing, amatuer programming, iterative design. Ask me about 3D printed buskill cables.
Neeraj Krishna wingedrasengan927
I build machine learning solutions.

@MakeMyTrip Bangalore, India

Miras StarwinM
19M ; @iwtdai cowboy

@iwtdai Astana, Kazakhstan



indie ML developer πŸ™ƒ

St. Petersburg, Russia

Dim Belkov norainagain
Melancholic Foodie from the city of rain and fog. 15 years in management consulting and C-level hardworking. Started a new life...
Ekaterina Kornilova KornilovaK
Applied Math student. Sber DS researcher. LLM, Agents
Plucka feodus

Russia, Moscow

Albert itbert
I use all os btw


Arkadiy ark2016
πŸŽ“ Student at Bauman Moscow State Technical University 🌟 Graduate of VK Education ML

Bauman Moscow State Technical University