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Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Product Manager / Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Denver, CO

Keep Cod'n jsonimac
Aspiring Web Developer


Ricardo Martinho ricardomrcruz
BSc Software Developer | MSc Software Architecture & Engineering Student #Typescript #Nodejs #React #Python #FastAPI #Htmx

Strasbourg, France.

Soufiane El Maarouf soufiane23MA
En formation en développement web et web mobile

Elan Formation Strasbourg

Hasan Sezer Taşan hasansezertasan
Software Developer‌ ·‌‌ Open Source Contributor


Coralie Bach coraliebach
Développeuse Back-End @studiometa

Studio Meta Strasbourg, France

Nahé Hutin NaheH
Epitech Student
Antoine antoine4livre
I’m a human striving to build a resilient, empowering, finite, inclusive, intentional, respectful, and transparent web. Team @pixels-bretzels 🥨

@studiometa / IKKO Marseille & Strasbourg, FR

Keziah KeziahMoselle

Strasbourg, France

Aimee Wamibee
Please leave this code in a better state than you found it.


Zakaria Oubbéa ZakAuMiel
passionate about all things cool, creative and artistic. I do a lot of dev on unity or front end. If I don't have something to look at, I get bored pretty quick

Looking for a new one Strasbourg

Etienne Morvan xraiizen
💻FullStack Developer💻


Titouan Mathis titouanmathis
Developer and CTO @studiometa, mostly frontend stuff, with some bits of backend and devops

Studio Meta Copenhagen

Jérôme Wohlschlegel w-jerome
💻 Developer Full-stack 💬 The Internet has given me a job, and I want to give it back to myself by contributing or creating a bit of open-source


Joffrey Spitzer joffreysp
Creative Front-end Developer

Izhak Strasbourg

Hugo Marx HugoMarx
Web Developer PHP/Symfony 🐘🚀

Strasbourg, France