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WakeTrainDev waketraindev
Expertise in data analysis, web development, and high-performance computing. Currently exploring Behavioral Analysis to enhance decision-making models.
Roger Huba RogerHuba

Center for Disease Control NCIPC/OD/OI Texas

Gökhan OR - Ya Hak gokhan-or
Patrick Magee pjmagee
Owner of @HeroesReplay; .NET Enjoyer; Exploring Go; Bad Pythoneering; No AI without APIs; Vibe Coder

@LexisNexis-RBA London, United Kingdom

Adam C. AJCorwin
I'm just an analyst trying to make my way in the universe.

Austin, Texas

emtee40 emtee40
Collecting the work of others to share with others. Everything from songs about Snowden to open-source judicial communication framework.


scrypt-kitty 404

Joseph Ridder Jridder1987

Wasted Potential Studios

Brandon Ly branberry
Dog Dad. he/him

@mongodb Minneapolis, Minnesota

Echo echoraver

Los Angeles, CA

Experienced Coding QA. Former Dev on SWGFlurry project.
John Tschudy Sobewan814
Just a student for now, maybe more later once the headache of school dies down again lol.
Robert Eklund Reklund3
Senior Micro Service Engineer

Cloud Imperium Games Austin Texas

Matt Keeler mattkeeler
Principal Software Engineer @ Evolve Security

@evolvesecurity 404

jwlewis777 xyled
Just love the family and game programming!

Nevada, USA

DarkJediMaster DarkJediMaster
Owner/Admin of Malevolent Gaming

Malevolent Gaming USA

Marlan McInnes-Taylor mmcinnestaylor
Masters student @ UT Austin CS

UT Austin Austin, TX