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Subrata Aich iamsubrataaich

@QuantZent Kolkata, India

Wendel Harl wendelharl
Beep boop boop.

Mercury Filmworks Ontario, Canada

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Nerd trying to make it in the SoftwareDev world. @sp-tarkov

United Kingdom

On a learning path that never ends. Hopefully something for growth and prosperity.
Joe Du joesdu
.Net/C# Full-Stack Developer

ʕʘ̅͜ʘ̅ʔ ChongQing, ShangHai

Terry TerryYoung518
Postgraduate / Mechanical Engineering / Multimedia

Tsinghua University Beijing, China

Kelly Birr kellybirr
Entrepreneur & Technologist

United States

.NET & SvelteKit enjoyer. Now using it at work with love ❤

UNED Barbastro Barbastro, Huesca

Scrim scrim-dev
Just another hobbyist developer

ScrimGames Swagverse

William Tessier william-fireone

Pyrotechnics Management Inc. State College, PA

Greg gregorfischer

Nürnberg Metropolitan Area / Germany

Daniele Corsini franklupo
I like the code, pizza and the beer. Never stop dreaming, only dreamers can fly.

Corsinvest Srl Italy

Yuze xxyuze
Day by day

bjy bj

Angshuman Mazumdar BinaryVectorJr
PhD. Candidate (ABD) || Games, Simulation, and Agent Based Modelling Researcher || DnD enjoyer

Purdue University West Lafayette

Anu Prakash anu-prakash-dev

Powerplatform Consultant

Matty MathiasLui
Most of the things you see here are likely just tinkering around or unfinished
Jerry Chang zfcflower

China SuZhou

André Luiz Ddiidev
Dev fullstack. Tecnologias: C#, @vlang, Php, Js, Vb/Vb6, Delphi, kixtart e o resto é curiosidade.

João Pessoa, PB

Ruben van Leusden Get-ThingsRubenMade
Just a young-ish SysAdmin, dabbling around in the world of coding.


Patrick Pracht patrickpracht
.NET Senior Software Developer


Full-stack Developer| C# | LARAVEL | NODEJS

Singular Tech Somewhere in the Land of the Holy Cross

Guillermo Correa guillecorrea
Programador , Sysadmin , IT . En estos repos cosas personales y proyectos de prueba , nada serio , nada de trabajo