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Kevin Beier BeierKevin
A german dev passionate about web development


Yanik Kumar yanikkumar
"Developer" Create Innovate Inspire & Serve :) I love to slap the keyboard with my fingers to build some stuff. Github Organisation: @believemaster

C-DAC, Mohali Himachal Pradesh, India

Andy Hsu xhofe
The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.

Moomoo Wuhan.China

Ali Bolouki unixnexo
wish I were living in the '90s when HTML was everything.

Aftab Asa Jonob - Araax Shiraz/Iran



CodeWithFab Mackgame4
Somehow a Software Engenieer, say what you need but first bring me coffee ☕

University of Minho | LEI Braga, Portugal

dwpeng dwpeng
Happy or not happy ...



Shandong Commercial Group Co 2018 - 2021 @ Beijing. 2021 - @ Jinan.

Yuriy Stasiv yuriystasiv
Frontend engineer

intive Szczecin, Poland

Yumcc yumcc-com
You'll see me in a crown.


好自为之 zhzwz
Web Developer. Chasing creative coding.

Hangzhou, China


WuHan China

Davide Trinastich RedStar071

wolfstar-project Italy

Bolaxious Mengbooo
A HuStEr, NaMeD MeNgBoOo/Bolaxious

HUST | @BingyanStudio FE Wuhan,China

面条 ccbikai
前端切图仔🧑🏻‍💻,后端三脚猫🤷🏻‍♂️,运维挖坑人🤦🏻‍♂️,AI 门外汉🧐。

ʕ•̫͡•ʔ-̫͡-ʕ•͓͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ-̫͡-ʕ•͓͡•ʔ-̫͡-ʔ NanJing,China

Slava Razum slavarazum

@qruto Ukraine, Kharkiv

Fery Wardiyanto feryardiant
Doing my best at @creasico

@creasico Batang, Indonesia

凌莞~(=^▽^=) clansty
(Maybe) JavaScript Full stack / 💖@7yunluo / Hugsっ @leohearts


Neko nekomeowww
これは可愛い猫です | To boldly go where no man has gone before

Open to opportunities UG 892 - β4, Ayaka Universe

Kiran Parajuli kiranparajuli589
Software Developer, NextJS, ReactJS, QA, VueJs, Django


Nick Payano Guzmán PGNick21
Full-Stack Developer, Vue Enthusiast. Committed to Growth.

Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo

Ramzi Youssef ram-you
Fostering Open Source with Mutual Respect and Collaboration 🌐 🤝

MEDIACEPT Technology Tunisia

João Pedro Jotape-M

Pacatuba - CE, Brasil

ShuoHui gsh1024
An independent developer who just wants to share something.

Guangzhou, China

Paul Spenke deepDiverPaul
Senior Frontend Developer with a passion for Nuxt, Vue, Directus and n8n

Spenke Nordic AB Sweden

LIQUAN WANG martinadamsdev
👾 Senior Frontend Wizard 🎩 Vue.js 3 ☄ Nuxt.js 3 🌟 Next.js 15 🌠 React.js 18 💻 TypeScript 🦄 Node.js ☃ Express.js 🌸 Pinia 🔥 Typescript 🎨 Tailwind

Firebytes Pte. Ltd. Chengdu,China

Mykhailo Marynenko 0x77dev
s/w & h/w engineer; passionate about AI/ML, security research & projects fusing tech, art, & human interaction.

CTO @osventuresllc Los Angeles, CA, USA

Mike michaelnjuguna
Software developer || Building scalable web and mobile applications.
Julio Marquez juliomrqz
💻 Software Engineer ☕️ Coffee lover

@Bicycle-Health @aceforth @toptal Spain

Liting litingyes
being boundaryless frontend developer

Zoom Communications HeFei, AnHui, China


Guangzhou, China

Ashok ashokatheheroo
🚀 Crafting Code with Impact | Software Engineer | Leading Innovation in PHP, Laravel, TS, Vue | Tech Explorer 🌍 | Open Source Advocate | Continuous Learner

Chittagong, Bangladesh.

huaiguoguo huaiguoguo
Frontend(vue,react)/Backend(PHP,Python,Go, Nodejs) Developer/Engineer


Craig R Broughton CRBroughton
Senior Front End Engineer Based in Brighton, at Tillo Brighton, UK (Sometimes Leeds)