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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Prabhakaran Sampath prabha6kar
a techno freak of Industry 4.0

Chennai Tamil nadu India

Divyanshu Singh Div25singh
Aspiring Researcher- Passionate about Mainframes and system programming. Always open to Data science contributions. linixia for life!

BMC Software Pune

Lezlie Browder lezbrwd
Business Analyst, Project Management Office, Manager, Procurement, Facilitator, Mentor/ Instructor or Consultant skills for the successful results of your organ

Eugene Alexander Research & Response Chicago, IL

Mahdi Batenipour mebateni
IBM z/OS System Programmer

DPI Iran

MuhsanSattar muhsansattar
I'm a JavaScript Pro developer with 6+ years of experience in crafting 🌐 web Development. Using React.js, Next.js, Typescript, and Node.js.
Craig Freiwald CraigFreiwald
Software Engineer at Broadcom Inc
Chandrashekhar chandrashekharmahto

N/A India Jharkhand Ranchi

SoftKing softking0503
I never doubt my skill. I have tried do my best to enhance my skill and now I'm ready. It's time for you to select me.


Yarille yarille


Federico Christian Pfund federicopfund
Data Engineer | Hadoop | Apache Spark

Argentina, Mendoza

Joshua Powell joshuapowell
Applied Research for Enterprise and Infrastructure Software

@Broadcom Pittsburgh, PA

Pietro F Duarte PietroFDuarte
Gerente de projetos


Tyler M. Neher tylermneher
@neherdata - Owner // University of Central Florida // Reach for the stars //

@neherdata Tinton Falls, New Jersey, United States

Tom Slanda slandath
I love web dev and my last name rhymes with 'panda'.

The Linux Foundation Michigan

Java Backend & Full Stack Developer | IT Undergrad


anothersesar anothersesar
Too much python notebook on my main account, welcome to the softeng part of @caesariodito!
omesh kumawat omesh-omg
SDE at fintech Rust( actix-web ) React IIT Roorkee


Aadarsh Nagrath aadarsh-nagrath
Code my amigo!

Bhopal, MP, India

Mirza MiirzaBaig
A dumb developer


Alberto Cavalcante albertocavalcante
here, starting an unfinished project at a time. At @jpmorganchase having some fun work to do :)

@jpmorganchase Palo Alto, California