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panva/jose vs auth0/node-jws, auth0/jwt-decode etc #577

Answered by panva
webketje asked this question in Q&A
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Hello @webketje

I am really confused about the status of the auth0/node-jws and auth0/node-jwa repo's and I'm asking it here because panva used to be quite involved in those repo's.

I cannot say I've been keeping tabs on the activity of the transferred repos. They have been stable long before the transfer and as far as I can remember we merely wanted to avoid disruption and havoc in the jsonwebtoken module's dependency tree (due to its massive popularity and install base) if those repos and the npm modules got formally deprecated.

This comment by @panva (ok it's 2 years old) says there are no plans to deprecate them, but on the other hand, significant commit activity has stalled since…

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