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Invoice format

Name Type Need Comment
meta object Mandatory see below "meta"
creationDate date-time Mandatory Creation date of the request
invoiceNumber string Mandatory numbering of the seller invoices - specific to the seller
purchaseOrderId string Optional allows to match the request with an orderId - specific to the seller
note string Optional add a note to the buyer
terms string Optional add sale terms to the buyer
sellerInfo object Optional see below "sellerInfo"
buyerInfo object Optional see below "buyerInfo"
invoiceItems array Mandatory see below "invoiceItems"
paymentTerms object Optional see below "paymentTerms"
miscellaneous object Optional Miscellaneous information


Information about the format of the json

Name Type Need Comment
format constant Mandatory value: "rnf_invoice"
version constant Mandatory value: "0.0.3"


Information about the seller

Name Type Need Comment
email string (format: email) Optional email
firstName string Optional first name
lastName string Optional last name
businessName string Optional business name
phone string Optional phone number
address object Optional address formatted as
taxRegistration string Optional tax registration number
companyRegistration string Optional company registration number
miscellaneous object Optional Miscellaneous information


Information about the buyer

Name Type Need Comment
email string (format: email) Optional email
firstName string Optional first name
lastName string Optional last name
businessName string Optional business name
phone string Optional phone number
address object Optional address formatted as
taxRegistration string Optional tax registration number
companyRegistration string Optional company registration number
miscellaneous object Optional Miscellaneous information


List of the items of the invoices

Name Type Need Comment
name string Mandatory name of the item
reference string Optional reference of the item
quantity number Mandatory quantity (minimum 0)
unitPrice string Mandatory unit price (integer in currency base unit)
discount string Optional price of the discount (integer in currency base unit)
tax object Mandatory information about the item taxes
currency string Mandatory currency code
deliveryDate date-time Optional expected delivery date
deliveryPeriod string Optional period of delivery if the item is a service


Payment terms

Name Type Need Comment
dueDate date-time Optional payment deadline
lateFeesPercent number Optional percentage of fees applied if late payment
lateFeesFix string Optional fixed fees applied if late payment (integer in currency base unit)
miscellaneous object Optional Miscellaneous information


Name Type Need Comment
type string Mandatory tax type, can be "percentage" or "fixed"
amount string Mandatory tax amount, either a percentage or an amount (integer in currency base unit)