Northwind is a javascript framework oriented to perform applications using something similar to MVC "Model View Controller", northwind is based in backend server frameworks like Laravel, Phalcon or Ruby on rails or Django.
Views in northwind are object oriented similar to JSX of React.js but this works as wraper of DOM of javascript but becomes to object oriented each html components.
let div = new Northwind.Tag.Div();
div.append("Something in div");
Northwind internally use document.createElement("div"); to access to html element but add more functionalities to modify this like jquery but with object oriented manner, for example .append("Something in div").
Every tag of native html is wraped in a northwind class like Northwind.Tag.Table(), this gives the possibility of being able to modify the html elements with methods of Northwind.Tag.
let table = new Northwind.Tag.Table();
table.class("table table-striped");
table.css("display", "none");
let input = new Northwind.Tag.Input();
//Here append to Div table and input similar to jquery but object oriented.
let div = new Northwind.Tag.Div();
- attr
- show
- hide
- class
- addClass
- addChild
- removeAttr
- append
- html
- css
- val
- text
- empty
- getChilds
- getParent
- getAsObject
- getAsJson
- remove
- getRandomString
namespace YourProject.Controllers
export class IndexController extends Northwind.Mvc.Controller
public initialize()
let input = this.getDom().getById("anyHtmlElement");
this.getEvent().tag(input).click(function () {
- click
- doubleClick
- change
- keypress
- keydown
- keyup
- paste
- blur
- focus
We can to start to modify all components in your application through controllers, you can to modify sections of your web content, in controllers you should develop all business logic of your frontend application.
namespace YourProject.Controllers
export class IndexController extends Northwind.Mvc.Controller
public initialize()
console.log("Hello world");
The controllers have injected all of necesary to manipulate the html components and business logic, you can get elements by id for example and Northwind gives you a Northwind.Tag component instead.
<input type="text" id="myInput">
namespace YourProject.Controllers
export class IndexController extends Northwind.Mvc.Controller
public initialize()
let input = this.getDom().getById("myInput");
input.val("some value to input");
<input type="text" id="myInput" value="some value to input">
You can create a method with the same name id to the element of html and northwind call this element and will be passed as param there.
namespace YourProject.Controllers
export class IndexController extends Northwind.Mvc.Controller
public initialize()
public myInput(input)
let input = this.getDom().getById("myInput");
input.val("some value to input");
The best way to make an ajax request through Northwind is create models similar to any ORM of any framework, such as Doctrine, Phalcon ORM, JPA or Hibbernate, you should define class models that represent a table in the ORM, northwind do something similar, you can create models to represent any object response of ajax as object models.
"name" : "Jonn",
"last" : "Doe"
"name" : "Jonn2",
"last" : "Doe2"
namespace YourProject.Models
export class Sample extends Northwind.Mvc.AjaxModel
private id : number = 0;
private name : string = "";
private last : string = "";
public setName(value : string) { = value; }
public getName() : string { return; }
public setLast(value : string) { this.last = value; }
public getLast() : string { return this.last; }
namespace YourProject.Controllers
export class IndexController extends Northwind.Mvc.Controller
public initialize()
let entityManager = this.getEm();
).response(function (data) {
for (let sample of data) {
sample.getName() + " - " sample.getLast()
Northwind query builder works in array objects of javascript, this component iterate and filter data.
let data = [
"id" : 1,
"name" : "Jonn",
"last" : "Doe"
"id" : 2,
"name" : "Jonn2",
"last" : "Doe2"
let builder = new Mvc.Query(data);
builder.where(new Builder.Like({
"name" : "2"
let data = [
"id" : 2,
"name" : "Jonn2",
"last" : "Doe2"
let builder = new Mvc.Query(data);
let builder = new Mvc.Query(data);
let builder = new Mvc.Query(data);
"name" : 1
- OR
- Like
- Not
- Lte - Less than or equals
- Lt - Less than
- Gt - Greather than
- Gte - Greather than equals
- Group
- Sort - just arrange in two ways 1, -1 as mongo db
- In - list
- NotIn - list
Di is a container, you can save any data or objects into DI, DI is going to be shared with all components in your application.
namespace YourProject.Controllers
export class IndexController extends Northwind.Mvc.Controller
public initialize()
this.getDi().set("shareText", "myText");
this.getDi().set("function", function (params) {
console.log("Created in index controller and " + params);
namespace YourProject.Controllers
export class OtherController extends Northwind.Mvc.Controller
public initialize()
this.getDi().get("shareText"); // myText
let fn = this.getDi().get("function");
fn("other param"); // Created in index controller and other param
let northwind = new Northwind.Application();
let config = new YourProject.Config.AppConfig;
config.setBaseUrl("{{ url() }}");
northwind.catch(function (exception) {