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File metadata and controls

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Live analysis

Using a network sensor appliance

A dedicated network sensor appliance is the recommended method for capturing and analyzing live network traffic when performance and throughput is of utmost importance. Hedgehog Linux is a custom Debian-based operating system built to:

  • monitor network interfaces
  • capture packets to PCAP files
  • detect file transfers in network traffic and extract and scan those files for threats
  • generate and forward Zeek and Suricata logs, Arkime sessions, and other information to [Malcolm]({{ site.github.repository_url }})

Please see the Hedgehog Linux README for more information.

Monitoring local network interfaces

The options for monitoring traffic on local network interfaces can be configured by running ./scripts/configure.

Malcolm's pcap-capture, suricata-live and zeek-live containers can monitor one or more local network interfaces, specified by the PCAP_IFACE environment variable in pcap-capture.env. These containers are started with additional privileges to allow opening network interfaces in promiscuous mode for capture.

The instances of Zeek and Suricata (in the suricata-live and zeek-live containers when the SURICATA_LIVE_CAPTURE and ZEEK_LIVE_CAPTURE environment variables are set to true, respectively) analyze traffic on-the-fly and generate log files containing network session metadata. These log files are in turn scanned by Filebeat and forwarded to Logstash for enrichment and indexing into the OpenSearch document store.

In contrast, the pcap-capture container buffers traffic to PCAP files and periodically rotates these files for processing (by Arkime's capture utlity in the arkime container) according to the thresholds defined by the PCAP_ROTATE_MEGABYTES and PCAP_ROTATE_MINUTES environment variables in pcap-capture.env. If for some reason (e.g., a low resources environment) you also want Zeek and Suricata to process these intermediate PCAP files rather than monitoring the network interfaces directly, you can set SURICATA_ROTATED_PCAP/ZEEK_ROTATED_PCAP to true and SURICATA_LIVE_CAPTURE/ZEEK_LIVE_CAPTURE to false. The only exception to this behavior (i.e., the creation of intermediate PCAP files by netsniff-ng or tcpdump in the pcap-capture which are periodically rolled over for processing by Arkime) is when running the "Hedgehog" run profile, when using a remote OpenSearch or Elasticsearch instance, or in a Kubernetes-based deployment. In those configurations, users may choose to have Arkime's capture tool monitor live traffic on the network interface without using the intermediate PCAP file.

Note that Microsoft Windows and Apple macOS platforms currently run Docker inside of a virtualized environment. Live traffic capture and analysis on those platforms would require additional configuration of virtual interfaces and port forwarding in Docker, which is outside of the scope of this document.

"Hedgehog" run profile

Another configuration for monitoring local network interfaces is to use the hedgehog run profile. During Malcolm configuration users are prompted "Run with Malcolm (all containers) or Hedgehog (capture only) profile?" Docker Compose can use profiles to selectively start services. While the malcolm run profile runs all of Malcolm's containers (OpenSearch, Dashboards, LogStash, etc.), the hedgehog profile runs only the containers necessary for traffic capture.

When configuring the hedgehog profile, users must provide connection details for another Malcolm instance to which to forward its network traffic logs.

Manually forwarding logs from an external source

Malcolm's Logstash instance can also be configured to accept logs from a remote forwarder by running ./scripts/configure and answering "yes" to "Expose Logstash port to external hosts?" Enabling encrypted transport of these log files is discussed in Configure authentication and the description of the BEATS_SSL environment variable in beats-common.env.

Configuring Filebeat to forward Zeek logs to Malcolm might look something like this example filebeat.yml:

- type: log
    - /var/zeek/*.log
  fields_under_root: true
  compression_level: 0
  exclude_lines: ['^\s*#']
  scan_frequency: 10s
  clean_inactive: 180m
  ignore_older: 120m
  close_inactive: 90m
  close_renamed: true
  close_removed: true
  close_eof: false
  clean_renamed: true
  clean_removed: true

  hosts: [""]
  ssl.enabled: true
  ssl.certificate_authorities: ["/foo/bar/ca.crt"]
  ssl.certificate: "/foo/bar/client.crt"
  ssl.key: "/foo/bar/client.key"
  ssl.supported_protocols: "TLSv1.2"
  ssl.verification_mode: "none"


For environments where high-performance capture is desired, some manual tuning of the parameters of Arkime, Zeek, and Suricata will be necessary. These parameters will vary from situation to situation depending on network traffic characteristics and hardware resources, and may require adjustments over time to get the best performance possible. The following sections can help users know which settings to adjust for individual circumstances. Users should take particular care when determining the number of CPUs to use to read from network interfaces (e.g., ZEEK_LB_PROCS_WORKER_DEFAULT for Zeek, ARKIME_TPACKETV3_NUM_THREADS and ARKIME_PACKET_THREADS for Arkime, and SURICATA_AF_PACKET_IFACE_THREADS for Suricata) to determine the appropriate balance between these tools with regards to the system's available CPU resources.


Zeek's resource utilization and performance can be tuned using environment variables. These environment variables are the same for both Hedgehog Linux and Malcolm's own monitoring of local network interfaces. For Hedgehog Linux, they are found in [/opt/sensor/sensor_ctl/control_vars.conf]({{ site.github.repository_url }}/blob/{{ site.github.build_revision }}/hedgehog-iso/interface/sensor_ctl/control_vars.conf), and for Malcolm they should be added to or modified in [zeek-live.env]({{ site.github.repository_url }}/blob/{{ site.github.build_revision }}/config/zeek-live.env.example).

Malcolm and Hedgehog Linux use Zeek's support for AF_Packet sockets for packet capture. Review Zeek's documentation on cluster setup to better understand the parameters discussed below.

The relevant environment variables related to tuning Zeek for live packet capture are:

  • ZEEK_AF_PACKET_BUFFER_SIZE - AF_Packet ring buffer size in bytes (default 67108864)
  • ZEEK_AF_PACKET_FANOUT_MODE - AF_Packet fanout mode (default FANOUT_HASH)
  • ZEEK_LB_PROCS_WORKER_DEFAULT - "Zeek is not multithreaded, so once the limitations of a single processor core are reached the only option currently is to spread the workload across many cores". This value defines the number of processors to be assigned to each group of workers created for each capture interface for load balancing (default 2). A value of 0 means "autocalculate based on the number of CPUs present in the system."
  • ZEEK_LB_PROCS_WORKER_n - Explicitly defines the number of processor to be assigned to the group of workers for the n-th capture interface. If unspecified this defaults to the number of CPUs ZEEK_PIN_CPUS_WORKER_n if defined, or ZEEK_LB_PROCS_WORKER_DEFAULT otherwise.
  • ZEEK_LB_PROCS_LOGGER - Defines the number of processors to be assigned to the loggers (default 1)
  • ZEEK_LB_PROCS_PROXY - Defines the number of processors to be assigned to the proxies (default 1)
  • ZEEK_LB_PROCS_CPUS_RESERVED - If ZEEK_LB_PROCS_WORKER_DEFAULT is 0 ("autocalculate"), exclude this number of CPUs from the autocalculation (defaults to 1 (kernel) + 1 (manager) + ZEEK_LB_PROCS_LOGGER + ZEEK_LB_PROCS_PROXY)
  • ZEEK_PIN_CPUS_WORKER_AUTO - Automatically pin worker CPUs (default false)
  • ZEEK_PIN_CPUS_WORKER_n - Explicitly defines the processor IDs to be to be assigned to the group of workers for the n-th capture interface (e.g., 0 means "the first CPU"; 12,13,14,15 means "the last four CPUs" on a 16-core system)
  • ZEEK_PIN_CPUS_OTHER_AUTO - automatically pin CPUs for manager, loggers, and proxies if possible (default false)
  • ZEEK_PIN_CPUS_MANAGER - list of CPUs to pin for the manager process (default is unset; only used if ZEEK_PIN_CPUS_OTHER_AUTO is false)
  • ZEEK_PIN_CPUS_LOGGER - list of CPUs to pin for the logger processes (default is unset; only used if ZEEK_PIN_CPUS_OTHER_AUTO is false)
  • ZEEK_PIN_CPUS_PROXY - list of CPUs to pin for the proxy processes (default is unset; only used if ZEEK_PIN_CPUS_OTHER_AUTO is false)


Arkime's capture process is controlled by settings in its config.ini file. Arkime's documentation on High Performance Settings outlines the settings that most influence performance and resource utilization.

Malcolm's default values for Arkime's live traffic capture are mostly already configured for high-performance traffic capture. Some other parameters that influence Arkime's resource utilization and performance can be tuned using environment variables for both Hedgehog Linux and Malcolm's own monitoring of local network interfaces.

For Hedgehog Linux, those values are found in [/opt/sensor/sensor_ctl/control_vars.conf]({{ site.github.repository_url }}/blob/{{ site.github.build_revision }}/hedgehog-iso/interface/sensor_ctl/control_vars.conf), from which they are read and are used to generate [config.ini]({{ site.github.repository_url }}/blob/{{ site.github.build_revision }}/hedgehog-iso/interface/sensor_ctl/arkime/config.ini) by the [ script]({{ site.github.repository_url }}/blob/{{ site.github.build_revision }}/interface/sensor_ctl/supervisor.init/ prior to starting capture.

When Malcolm is capturing traffic on it's own local network interfaces, the issue becomes a bit more complicated: as described above in the section that references the pcap-capture capture, most container-based Malcolm deployments don't actually use Arkime's capture to generate Arkime sessions. Instead, intermediate PCAP files are generated by netsniff-ng or tcpdump are periodically rolled over for "offline" processing by Arkime capture. This being the case, most of the settings dealing with traffic capture don't apply, since (from it's point of view) capture isn't running against "live" traffic. The only exception to this behavior is when running the "Hedgehog" run profile, when using a remote OpenSearch or Elasticsearch instance, or in a Kubernetes-based deployment, in which cases users may choose to have Arkime's capture tool monitor live traffic on the network interface without using the intermediate PCAP file so that the arkime-live container will use [its environment variables]({{ site.github.repository_url }}/blob/{{ site.github.build_revision }}/config/arkime-live.env.example) in its [entrypoint]({{ site.github.repository_url }}/blob/{{ site.github.build_revision }}/interface/sensor_ctl/supervisor.init/arkime/scripts/ to populate [config.ini]({{ site.github.repository_url }}/blob/{{ site.github.build_revision }}/arkime/etc/config.ini).

The relevant environment variables related to tuning Arkime for live packet capture are:

Aside from the settings mentioned above, to quote the Arkime documentation, often issues with traffic capture performance "are not a problem with Arkime, but usually an issue with either the hardware or the packet rate exceeding what the hardware can save to disk." Please read Why am I dropping packets? (and Disk Q issues) from the Arkime FAQ.


Suricata's resource utilization and performance can be tuned using environment variables. These environment variables are the same for both Hedgehog Linux and Malcolm's own monitoring of local network interfaces. For Hedgehog Linux, they are found in [/opt/sensor/sensor_ctl/control_vars.conf]({{ site.github.repository_url }}/blob/{{ site.github.build_revision }}/hedgehog-iso/interface/sensor_ctl/control_vars.conf), and for Malcolm they should be added to or modified in [suricata-live.env]({{ site.github.repository_url }}/blob/{{ site.github.build_revision }}/config/suricata-live.env.example).

Upon starting, Malcolm's []({{ site.github.repository_url }}/blob/{{ site.github.build_revision }}/config/shared/bin/ script generates the suricata.yaml configuration file (see (see and the Suricata documentation). The script can use many environment variables when generating suricata.yaml. See the DEFAULT_VARS array in the script for a full list. Note that the environment variables must be prefixed with SURICATA_ when defined in control_vars.conf or suricata-live.env.

The following environment variables related to tuning Suricata for live packet capture may be of particular interest, but this list is by no means exhaustive:

  • SURICATA_AF_PACKET_IFACE_THREADS - the number of threads used to read packets via the AF_Packet interface (default 2); a vaule of auto means to use the same number of threads as CPU cores
  • SURICATA_MAX_PENDING_PACKETS - the number simultaneous packets that the engine can handle; "setting this higher generally keeps the threads more busy, but setting it too high will lead to degradation" (default 10000)
  • SURICATA_AF_PACKET_RING_SIZE - the buffer size (in packets) per-thread; if this is set to 0 (the default), it will be "computed with respect to max_pending_packets and the number of threads"

See the Suricata documentation on Tuning Considerations and High Performance for a more in-depth treatment of this topic, then cross-reference tuning parameters of interest with the variables in the DEFAULT_VARS array in to identify which variables correspond.

Note that for some variables (e.g., something with a sequence like HOME_NET) Suricata wants values to be quoted. To accomplish that in the suricata.env or suricata-live.env environment variable files, use outer single quotes with inner double quotes, like this:

  • SURICATA_HOME_NET='"[,,]"'