- 基本数值计算库
- 科学数值计算库
) - JIT 编译器库
(主要用于加速数值计算) - 并行计算库
!python check-systeminfo.py
CPU info:
Name: Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 5218R CPU @ 2.10GHz
Logical: 40
Physical: 20
Usable: 40
Memory info:
Total: 31.63 GB
Free: 24.24 GB
Available: 24.24 GB
Package requirements info:
numpy: 1.19.2
scipy: 1.5.2
numba: 0.51.2
joblib: 1.0.0
!python hmsolver-info.py
HMSolver info:
Author: Shangkun Shen(polossk)
Email: [email protected]
Version: 0.5.0
License: GNU General Public License v3.0
- 几何信息
- 长方形平面板(平面应力问题)
- 几何尺寸
$1\text{m} \times 1\text{m}$ (长x宽)
- 材料信息
- 各向同性均匀材料
- 杨氏模量
$E = 300\text{GPa}$ - 泊松比
$\nu = 0.25$
- 边界条件
- 底边中点固定(固支)
- 底边不发生 y 方向位移
- 顶边设置 y 方向位移边界条件
$\bar{u}_y = 0.02\text{m}$
- 目标
- 求解位移场,应力应变场信息
下面展示 hmsolver
如何求解二维平面应力问题。整个求解步骤分为以下 3 个步骤:定义问题,设置单元类型,问题求解。而对于问题的定义部分,则需要依次给出几何网格信息,材料性质信息和边界条件信息。现在依次讲解具体步骤及对应代码。
首先我们需要引入最核心的计算库 numpy
以方便之后的处理。其次引入 time
库用于统计整个代码的时间消耗。最后对于 hmsolver
库不建议全部引入,而选择用什么组件引入什么组件的方式。这样尽可能地保持代码的整洁。比如这里只是用了 hmsolver.utils.formatting_time
import numpy as np
import time
from hmsolver.utils import formatting_time
对于几何网格信息,我们需要预先定义整个问题的求解区域,再对区域进行网格剖分。在这里二维问题使用 Zone2d
from hmsolver.meshgrid import Zone2d
zone_xl, zone_xr = 0, 1
zone_yl, zone_yr = 0, 1
zone_xmid = 0.5 * (zone_xl + zone_xr)
zone_ymid = 0.5 * (zone_yl + zone_yr)
zone = Zone2d(zone_xl, zone_xr, zone_yl, zone_yr)
定义好变量 zone
之后,我们对区域进行网格剖分。网格剖分时需要我们指定返回的类型,这里使用的是 Mesh2d
类型。另外需要注意的是,这里需要手动设置所有方向上的单元剖分个数。由于我们这里是正方形区域,所以默认的剖分方法此时得到的是正方形。如果要求不同方向剖分个数不同,则使用 meshgrid_zone_safe_xy(x_num=Nx, y_num=Ny)
from hmsolver.meshgrid import Mesh2d
grid_num, grid_size = 50, 0.02
mesh2d = zone.meshgrid_zone_safe(Mesh2d, grid_num)
n_nodes, n_elements = mesh2d.n_nodes, mesh2d.n_elements
# 输出网格基本信息
print(f"Mesh contains {n_nodes} nodes and {n_elements} elements.")
print(f"Average Grid Size= {grid_size:.8f}")
Mesh contains 2601 nodes and 2500 elements.
Average Grid Size= 0.02000000
下面处理材料信息,由于是基础的连续介质力学问题,这里只要提供杨氏模量和泊松比就可以定义材料了。材料使用 Material2d
from hmsolver.material import Material2d
material2d = Material2d(300, 0.25)
在这里,我们需先定义三条边界的判断条件,然后再用函数 boundary_cond2d
生成我们的真正的边界条件。边界位置判断信息这部分通过 *_criteria
from hmsolver.femcore import point_criteria
from hmsolver.femcore import segment_criteria
boundary_0 = point_criteria(zone_xmid, zone_yl)
boundary_1 = segment_criteria(zone_xl, zone_yl, zone_xr, zone_yl)
boundary_2 = segment_criteria(zone_xl, zone_yr, zone_xr, zone_yr)
在定义好几何判断之后,我们直接组装成单独的边界条件,然后把他们存放至边界条件集合当中即可。在这里,每一个独立的边界条件用 Boundary_Cond
类型封装,而每一个问题所对应的边界条件集合用 BoundaryConds2d
类型封装。由于 BoundaryConds2d
继承于 python
),所以更加方便我们添加边界条件。对于这个问题,他总共用到了 3 条边界条件,我们逐一声明即可。
例如 bondary_1
对应的是底边的判断条件,由于底边不发生 y 方向的位移,所以设置 set_uy
为常数 constant
,值为 0。最后把这些统统打包到 boundarys
当我们的信息准备周全之后,就可以把这些都整理到真正的模拟问题 Simulation2d
当中。最后我们需要人工调用方法 manually_verify()
对边界条件进行人工确认。当然,你可以使用 manually_halt()
from hmsolver.femcore import boundary_cond2d as _bc_ # abbreviation
from hmsolver.femcore import BoundaryConds2d
stretch = 0.02
boundarys = BoundaryConds2d(
_bc_("point", boundary_0, "fixed", None, None),
_bc_("segment", boundary_1, "set_uy", "constant", 0),
_bc_("segment", boundary_2, "set_uy", "constant", +stretch))
上述三个信息准备好之后,就可以组装到一起了。这里使用的是弹性力学模拟 Simulation2d
from hmsolver.app import Simulation2d
app = Simulation2d(mesh2d, material2d, boundarys)
app.app_name = "example-01-plate-unixial-tensile"
比如我现在创建一个缺少材料信息的模拟实例 app2
。注意到这里输出了错误提示,但凡出现错误提示的时候,整个实例是无法正确运行的。为了检查当前实例是否类型准确,可以人工调用方法 type_check()
app2 = Simulation2d(mesh2d, None, boundarys)
Material instance type ERROR.
SHOULD BE Material2d object/subclass object.
在完成问题的定义之后,需要进一步指定与网格匹配的有限元单元类型。 Simulation2d
内置了 check_engine()
Simulation Manual Checking:
Mesh is ready.
Material is ready.
Boundary Conds is ready.
Basis is NOT ready.
在这里,我们使用平面的四边形等参一阶单元,这个单元的所有功能已经被封装到 hmsolver.basis.Quad4Node
当输出 OK
from hmsolver.basis import Quad4Node
Simulation Manual Checking:
Mesh is ready.
Material is ready.
Boundary Conds is ready.
Basis is ready.
目前模拟可以输出 6 种有价值的模拟结果数据,这里可以通过 provied_solutions
数据 | 属性名 | 属性缩写 |
位移 | app.displace_field |
app.u |
位移绝对值 | app.absolute_u |
app.u_abs |
应变 | app.strain_field |
app.epsilon |
应力 | app.stress_field |
app.sigma |
应变能 | app.strain_energy_density |
app.w_eps |
畸变能 | app.distortion_energy_density |
app.w_dis |
一般而言,可以直接通过 app.provied_solutions
直接计算出所有数据,并且打包到 tecplot 数据文件当中,用于后续的可视化处理。运行下面的代码后,你会发现运行目录多了两个文件 ESM-2500-elements.bin
和 example-01-plate-unixial-tensile-elasticity.dat
。前者为数据文件,储存了当前网格下的单元刚度矩阵。后者为 tecplot 数据文件,记录了之前我们所想要的所有信息(位移场、位移绝对值、应力应变场、应变能、畸变能)。
t0 = time.time() # tic
app.export_to_tecplot("elasticity", *app.provied_solutions)
print(f"Total time cost: {formatting_time(time.time() - t0)}")
Is parallelized= False
perparation completed. Total 0.20s
build stiffness martix k0 processing 17%, working on 426/2500, used 0.03s, eta 0.15s
build stiffness martix k0 processing 34%, working on 851/2500, used 0.06s, eta 0.12s
build stiffness martix k0 processing 51%, working on 1276/2500, used 0.09s, eta 0.09s
build stiffness martix k0 processing 68%, working on 1701/2500, used 0.11s, eta 0.05s
build stiffness martix k0 processing 85%, working on 2126/2500, used 0.15s, eta 0.03s
generating completed. Total 0.16s
mapping stiffness martix processing 17%, working on 426/2500, used 0.02s, eta 0.08s
mapping stiffness martix processing 34%, working on 851/2500, used 0.04s, eta 0.07s
mapping stiffness martix processing 51%, working on 1276/2500, used 0.05s, eta 0.05s
mapping stiffness martix processing 68%, working on 1701/2500, used 0.07s, eta 0.03s
mapping stiffness martix processing 85%, working on 2126/2500, used 0.08s, eta 0.01s
assembling completed. Total 0.15s
Solving Linear System: DOF=5202.
quick_diff= 586.6666666719398 / 173.33333333597093 = 3.384615384594303
Using fill_factor= 100
Info= 0 == 0, successful exit.
Linear System Solved. Time cost= 0.12s
get_absolute_displace done.
get_strain_field done.
get_stress_field_single done.
get_strain_energy_density done.
get_distortion_energy_density done.
Total time cost: 1.21s
当然如果单元过多的话可以开启多线程来加速运行,只需要将 app.parallelized
设置为 True
app.parallelized = True # 开启并行多线程
app.check_engine() # 重新初始化
Simulation Manual Checking:
Mesh is ready.
Material is ready.
Boundary Conds is ready.
Basis is ready.
t0 = time.time() # tic
app.export_to_tecplot("elasticity", *app.provied_solutions)
print(f"Total time cost: {formatting_time(time.time() - t0)}")
Is parallelized= True
perparation completed. Total 0.20s
generating completed (Parallel). Total 0.01s
mapping stiffness martix processing 17%, working on 426/2500, used 0.02s, eta 0.10s
mapping stiffness martix processing 34%, working on 851/2500, used 0.05s, eta 0.09s
mapping stiffness martix processing 51%, working on 1276/2500, used 0.07s, eta 0.07s
mapping stiffness martix processing 68%, working on 1701/2500, used 0.09s, eta 0.04s
mapping stiffness martix processing 85%, working on 2126/2500, used 0.11s, eta 0.02s
assembling completed. Total 0.17s
Solving Linear System: DOF=5202.
quick_diff= 586.6666666719398 / 173.33333333597093 = 3.384615384594303
Using fill_factor= 100
Info= 0 == 0, successful exit.
Linear System Solved. Time cost= 0.12s
get_absolute_displace done.
get_strain_field done.
get_stress_field_single done.
get_strain_energy_density done.
get_distortion_energy_density done.
Total time cost: 1.07s
import numpy as np
import time
from hmsolver.meshgrid import Zone2d
from hmsolver.meshgrid import Mesh2d
from hmsolver.material import Material2d
from hmsolver.femcore import point_criteria
from hmsolver.femcore import segment_criteria
from hmsolver.femcore import boundary_cond2d as _bc_ # abbreviation
from hmsolver.femcore import BoundaryConds2d
from hmsolver.app import Simulation2d
from hmsolver.basis import Quad4Node
from hmsolver.utils import formatting_time
if __name__ == '__main__':
t0 = time.time() # tic
# 几何区域
zone_xl, zone_xr = 0, 1
zone_yl, zone_yr = 0, 1
zone_xmid = 0.5 * (zone_xl + zone_xr)
zone_ymid = 0.5 * (zone_yl + zone_yr)
grid_num, grid_size = 50, 0.02
zone = Zone2d(zone_xl, zone_xr, zone_yl, zone_yr)
mesh2d = zone.meshgrid_zone_safe(Mesh2d, grid_num)
n_nodes, n_elements = mesh2d.n_nodes, mesh2d.n_elements
# 输出网格基本信息
print(f"Mesh contains {n_nodes} nodes and {n_elements} elements.")
print(f"Average Grid Size= {grid_size:.8f}")
# 建立材料实例
material2d = Material2d(300, 0.25)
# 边界条件
stretch = 0.02
boundary_0 = point_criteria(zone_xmid, zone_yl)
boundary_1 = segment_criteria(zone_xl, zone_yl, zone_xr, zone_yl)
boundary_2 = segment_criteria(zone_xl, zone_yr, zone_xr, zone_yr)
boundarys = BoundaryConds2d(
_bc_("point", boundary_0, "fixed", None, None),
_bc_("segment", boundary_1, "set_uy", "constant", 0),
_bc_("segment", boundary_2, "set_uy", "constant", +stretch))
# 建立模拟实例
app = Simulation2d(mesh2d, material2d, boundarys)
app.app_name = "example-01-plate-unixial-tensile"
app.parallelized = True # 开启并行多线程
# 输出模拟结果
app.export_to_tecplot("elasticity", *app.provied_solutions)
print(f"Total time cost: {formatting_time(time.time() - t0)}")
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
x 方向 | y 方向 | 位移绝对值 |