This is an automatically generated file. See scripts/readme
- accountsservice - Pop!_OS fork of https://launchpad\.net/ubuntu/\+source/accountsservice
- acpid-plug - Rust crate for listening to AC adapter plug events on Linux from `acpid`.
- adw-gtk3 - Packaging for https://github\.com/lassekongo83/adw\-gtk3
- alacritty - A cross-platform, GPU-accelerated terminal emulator (debian packaging fork)
- alsa-ucm-conf - ALSA Use Case Manager configuration
- alsa-utils - The Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) - utilities
- amd-ppt-bin - AMD PPT binary package
- amd64-microcode - Fork of https://salsa\.debian\.org/janitor\-team/proposed/amd64\-microcode to backport newer microcode to Jammy
- analytics-panel - Analytics Settings Panel
- api - Rust crate for interacting with
- appstream - Pop!_OS Fork of https://salsa\.debian\.org/pkgutopia\-team/appstream
- appstream-data - Additional appstream data to be shipped in Pop!_OS
- appstream2dep11 - A crate dedicated to parsing Appstream XML metadata to Debian DEP11 format.
- apt - Fork of https://salsa\.debian\.org/apt\-team/apt
- apt-cli-wrappers - Rust crate which provides CLI wrappers for apt commands.
- apt-cmd - Rust crate for interacting with apt commands
- apt-fetcher - Rust crate for asynchronous and parallel fetching of apt repo files from apt repos. This can be used for updating apt lists and fetching packages from a pool.
- apt-keyring - Rust crate for loading all available apt keyrings into an in-memory keyring.
- apt-mirror - Official apt-mirror source.
- apt-release-file - Rust crate for serializing / deserializing apt dist release files, which contain a listing of paths to other dist files in a repo.
- apt-repo-crawler - Rust crate for crawling through files in an apt repo
- apt-sources-lists - Rust crate for fetching detailed information from all available apt sources. Additionally supports abstractions for modifying source lists on the system.
- - Website files for
- as-result - Rust crate which provides the `AsResult<T, E>` and `IntoResult<T, E>` traits.
- async-cron-scheduler - Runtime-agnostic async task scheduler with cron expression support
- async-fetcher - Rust crate for asynchronous file fetching, using optional fetching based on modified times and checksums
- at-spi2-core
- atom-editor - GitHub's Atom Editor
- bcmwl - Pop!_OS fork of https://launchpad\.net/ubuntu/\+source/bcmwl
- beta - Pop!_OS Beta
- blkid - Rust blkid safe interface
- buildchain - Software for creating and managing a distributed and reproducible chain of builds
- bus-writer - Single-reader, multi-writer & single-reader, multi-verifier; broadcasts reads to multiple writeable destinations in parallel
- bustd - `bustd`: Available memory or bust!
- client-toolkit - Smithay's toolkit for writing wayland clients
- code-of-conduct - Code of Conduct for the Pop Community
- cog-stable-diffusion - Packaging for convenience of installation and setup of stable diffusion on Pop
- connectivity - The Pop!_OS Connectivity Checker
- console-setup - Fork of https://salsa\.debian\.org/installer\-team/console\-setup
- core - WIP immutable base
- cosmic - GNOME Shell extension. See cosmic-epoch for COSMIC Epoch
- cosmic-app-template - Project template for creating applications for the COSMIC™ desktop
- cosmic-applet-host
- cosmic-applets - WIP applets for cosmic-panel
- cosmic-applibrary - WIP
- cosmic-application-template
- cosmic-bg
- cosmic-comp - Compositor for the COSMIC desktop environment
- cosmic-design-demo - libcosmic widget toolkit showcase for testing COSMIC widgets and their styling
- cosmic-dock - Pop!_OS fork of https://github\.com/micheleg/dash\-to\-dock/tree/ubuntu\-dock
- cosmic-edit - COSMIC Text Editor
- cosmic-epoch - Next generation Cosmic desktop environment
- cosmic-files - COSMIC file manager
- cosmic-flatpak-runtime - COSMIC runtimes for flatpak applications
- cosmic-greeter - libcosmic greeter for greetd, which can be run inside cosmic-comp
- cosmic-icons - System76 Cosmic icon theme for Linux
- cosmic-idle
- cosmic-initial-setup - COSMIC Initial Setup
- cosmic-launcher - WIP
- cosmic-mime-apps - Parse and update xdg mimeapps.list files to manage default apps
- cosmic-notifications
- cosmic-osd
- cosmic-panel - WIP
- cosmic-player - WIP COSMIC media player
- cosmic-protocols - Additional wayland-protocols used by the COSMIC desktop environment
- cosmic-randr - Library and utility for displaying and configuring Wayland outputs
- cosmic-reader - WIP COSMIC PDF reader
- cosmic-screenshot - Utility for capturing screenshots via XDG Desktop Portal
- cosmic-session - Session manager for the COSMIC desktop environment
- cosmic-settings - COSMIC Settings
- cosmic-settings-daemon
- cosmic-settings-subscriptions
- cosmic-store - WIP COSMIC app store
- cosmic-syntax-theme - COSMIC Syntax Theme
- cosmic-term - WIP COSMIC terminal emulator
- cosmic-text - Pure Rust multi-line text handling
- cosmic-theme - WIP
- cosmic-theme-editor - WIP
- cosmic-time - Animation Library for https://github\.com/iced\-rs/iced and https://github\.com/pop\-os/cosmic\-epoch
- cosmic-wallpapers - Wallpapers for the COSMIC Desktop Environment
- cosmic-workspaces - Pop!_OS fork of https://github\.com/RensAlthuis/vertical\-overview
- cosmic-workspaces-epoch
- cosmic_undo_2 - Fork of https://gitlab\.com/okannen/undo\_2 with improved compiler support
- cryptsetup - Packaging for https://gitlab\.com/cryptsetup/cryptsetup
- dbus-settings-bindings - Rust bindings for D-Bus settings interfaces
- dbus-udisks2 - Rust library for interacting with the UDisks2 DBus API
- dbusmenu-zbus - zbus bindings for dbusmenu
- deb-architectures - Rust crate for parsing Debian architecture strings into an enum, and vice versa. Additionally supports fetching a list of supported architectures.
- deb-changelog - Rust crate for efficiently parsing and appending entries to a debian changelog
- deb-control - Zero-copy parser & futures codec for Debian control files
- deb-diversion - Futures codec for Debian's dpkg diversion file
- debarchive - Rust crate which provides direct access to files within a Debian archive
- debconf - Repackaging of https://code\.launchpad\.net/ubuntu/\+source/debconf
- debrepbuild - A project for automatically generating and maintaining Debian repositories from a TOML spec.
- deckard - A Pop!_Shop compatible api server
- default-settings - Distribution Default Settings
- desktop - Desktop metapackage
- desktop-icons-ng - Packaging of https://gitlab\.com/rastersoft/desktop\-icons\-ng
- desktop-widget - Pop Desktop Settings Widget
- disk-types - Rust crate with common types and traits for handling block devices, partitions, file systems, etc.
- distinst - Installer Backend
- distinst-v2 - Distinst Rewrite as a DBus Service
- docs - Pop!_OS Documentation Site
- dwarves - Pop!_OS fork of https://salsa\.debian\.org/debian/dwarves\.git
- ecs-disk-manager - Rust library experiment to design a flexible disk management library with an ECS architecture.
- eddy - A debian package installer for Pop!_OS
- egl-wayland - Packaging for nvidia egl-wayland
- envfile - Rust crate for reading an environment file into an in-memory map, updating it, and writing it back.
- exit-status-ext - Rust trait for extending `std::process::ExitStatus`
- fd-reactor - A Rust crate which provides an async reactor for handling file descriptors in a background thread
- firmware-manager - Generic framework and GTK UI for firmware updates from system76-firmware and fwupd, written in Rust.
- flatpak - Fork of https://salsa\.debian\.org/debian/flatpak
- fonts - Fonts for the System76 Pop look, Fira and Roboto Slab
- freedesktop-desktop-entry - Rust crate for navigating Freedesktop desktop entries
- freedesktop-icons - A rust freedestkop icon lookup implementation
- fs_extra - Expanding opportunities standard library std::fs and std::io
- fwts - Backports of https://github\.com/fwts/fwts/ with Linux kernel patches
- fwupd - A simple daemon to allow session software to update firmware
- fwupd-dbus - Rust crate which provides a client for the fwupd DBus daemon
- fwupd-efi - Pop!_OS fork of https://salsa\.debian\.org/efi\-team/fwupd\-efi
- gamehub - Pop!_OS fork of https://github\.com/tkashkin/GameHub
- gdm3 - Pop!_OS fork of https://git\.launchpad\.net/~ubuntu\-desktop/ubuntu/\+source/gdm3
- gir - Tool to generate rust bindings and user API for glib-based libraries
- glyphon - 🦅🦁 Fast, simple 2D text renderer for wgpu
- gnome-control-center - Pop!_OS fork of https://git\.launchpad\.net/~ubuntu\-desktop/ubuntu/\+source/gnome\-control\-center
- gnome-disk-utility - Pop!_OS fork of https://salsa\.debian\.org/gnome\-team/gnome\-disk\-utility
- gnome-initial-setup - Pop!_OS fork of https://git\.launchpad\.net/~ubuntu\-desktop/ubuntu/\+source/gnome\-initial\-setup
- gnome-online-accounts - Pop!_OS fork of https://git\.launchpad\.net/~ubuntu\-desktop/ubuntu/\+source/gnome\-online\-accounts
- gnome-settings-daemon - Pop!_OS fork of https://git\.launchpad\.net/~ubuntu\-desktop/ubuntu/\+source/gnome\-settings\-daemon
- gnome-shell - Pop!_OS fork of https://git\.launchpad\.net/~ubuntu\-desktop/ubuntu/\+source/gnome\-shell
- gnome-shell-extension-alt-tab-raise-first-window - Make Alt+Tab only raise the first window in group.
- gnome-shell-extension-always-show-workspaces - Always show workspaces in overview
- gnome-shell-extension-do-not-disturb - Enable or disable do not disturb mode.
- gnome-shell-extension-gsconnect - KDE Connect implementation for GNOME
- gnome-shell-extension-pop-battery-icon-fix - Fixes the battery icon in Pop!_OS to correctly match the current battery level.
- gnome-shell-extension-pop-shop-details - Adds a Show Details item to applications if Pop Shop is installed
- gnome-shell-extension-pop-snapshot - A simple GNOME Shell extension for notifying the user when a snapshot is restored
- gnome-shell-extension-pop-suspend-button - GNOME Shell Extension Suspend-Button
- gnome-shell-extension-popx11gestures - Fork of https://github\.com/JoseExposito/gnome\-shell\-extension\-x11gestures with modifications for Pop!_OS
- gnome-shell-extension-system76-power - System76 Power Management Extension
- gnome-shell-theme - The GNOME Shell theme for Pop!_OS
- gnome-terminal - Fork of https://salsa\.debian\.org/gnome\-team/gnome\-terminal\.git
- granite - Library that extends GTK with common widgets and utilities
- greetd - Fork of greetd, with debian packaging support
- grub-theme - Grub bootloader theme
- gtk-extras - Rust crate containing an assortment of extra, unofficial GTK patterns, widgets, and traits.
- gtk-rs - Fork of gtk-rs to build with Ubuntu's Rustc version.
- gtk-theme - System76 Pop GTK+ Theme
- gtk4 - Forked from https://salsa\.debian\.org/gnome\-team/gtk4
- gvfs-zbus - zbus bindings to gvfs interfaces
- gweather-rs - Rust wrapper for gweather
- happiness - Send random quotes about happiness to your desktop
- hidpi-daemon - Daemon to manage HiDPI and LoDPI monitors on X
- hidpi-widget - GTK widget for the System76 HiDPI daemon
- hostname-validator - Rust crate for validating hostnames according to the IETF RFC 1123
- hp-vendor - Vendor support for HP products using Pop!_OS
- hp-wallpapers - Wallpapers for HP products
- iced - A cross-platform GUI library for Rust, inspired by Elm
- iced-launcher
- iced-sctk - WIP
- iced-workspaces-applet
- iced_aw - Additional widgets for the Iced GUI library
- icon-theme - System76 Pop icon theme for Linux
- initramfs-tools - Patches to https://packages\.ubuntu\.com/jammy\-updates/initramfs\-tools
- installer - Installer for Pop!_OS & other Linux-based OSes
- intel-pstate - Rust crate for fetching and modifying Intel pstate kernel parameters
- iso - Pop!_OS ISO production
- just - Packaging fork of https://github\.com/casey/just
- kbuild - Pop!_OS packaging for https://salsa\.debian\.org/pkg\-virtualbox\-team/kbuild
- kernelstub - A simple EFI boot manager manager for Linux
- keyboard-configurator - Keyboard configuration UI
- keyring - Pop!_OS keyring
- kit - Pop!_Kits - Discipline-specific toolkits for Makers
- launch-pad - Automatic process management library for Rust
- launcher - Modular IPC-based desktop launcher service
- libabigail - Pop!_OS fork of https://launchpad\.net/ubuntu/\+source/libabigail
- libasound2 - The Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) - library
- libbpf - Pop!_OS fork of https://github\.com/sudipm\-mukherjee/libbpf
- libcosmic - WIP library for COSMIC applications
- libcosmic-book - Guide for starting development with libcosmic: https://pop\-os\.github\.io/libcosmic\-book/
- libdrm - Backport of https://salsa\.debian\.org/xorg\-team/lib/libdrm
- libhandy - Read-only mirror of https://gitlab\.gnome\.org/GNOME/libhandy
- libinput - Backport of https://salsa\.debian\.org/xorg\-team/lib/libinput
- libnvidia-container - Pop!_OS packaging of https://gitlab\.com/nvidia/container\-toolkit/libnvidia\-container
- libparted - Rust wrappers for libparted
- libtraceevent - Backport of https://packages\.ubuntu\.com/noble/libtraceevent\-dev
- libtracefs - Backport of https://packages\.ubuntu\.com/noble/libtracefs1
- libxmlb - Debian packaging for bionic
- linux - Pop!_OS fork of https://launchpad\.net/ubuntu/\+source/linux
- linux-firmware - Pop!_OS fork of https://git\.launchpad\.net/~ubuntu\-kernel/ubuntu/\+source/linux\-firmware
- logind-dbus - Rust crate that provides a DBus API for interacting with logind, which is useful for doing things such as inhibiting suspension.
- lutris - Packaging for https://github\.com/lutris/lutris
- mesa - Forked from https://salsa\.debian\.org/xorg\-team/lib/mesa
- meta-python - Transitional metapackage for python2
- modit - Modal Editor Parser
- mouse-configurator - Configurator for HP 935 Creator Wireless Mouse
- mpris2-zbus - Migrated to https://github\.com/pop\-os/dbus\-settings\-bindings
- msttcorefonts - Fixed packaging for ttf-mscorefonts-installer on Pop
- mutter - Pop!_OS fork of https://git\.launchpad\.net/~ubuntu\-desktop/ubuntu/\+source/mutter
- mutter-rs - Rust wrappers for Mutter and related projects
- network-manager-applet - COSMIC desktop entry patch to https://salsa\.debian\.org/utopia\-team/network\-manager\-applet
- ninja-build - Pop!_OS fork of https://salsa\.debian\.org/debian/ninja\-build
- nvidia-container-runtime - Packaging fork of https://gitlab\.com/nvidia/container\-toolkit/nvidia\-container\-runtime/
- nvidia-container-toolkit - Packaging fork of https://gitlab\.com/nvidia/container\-toolkit/container\-toolkit
- nvidia-docker - Packaging for https://github\.com/NVIDIA/nvidia\-docker
- nvidia-graphics-drivers - Pop!_OS NVIDIA Graphics Drivers
- nvidia-graphics-drivers-470 - Pop!_OS Legacy NVIDIA Graphics Drivers (470)
- nvidia-graphics-drivers-565 - Pop!_OS Legacy NVIDIA Graphics Drivers (565)
- nvidia-vaapi-driver - Packaging fork of https://github\.com/elFarto/nvidia\-vaapi\-driver
- opt - Pop!_OS Optimization
- orca - Packaging for https://gitlab\.gnome\.org/mwcampbell/orca/\-/tree/newton
- os-autoinst-distri-pop - os-autoinst test cases for Pop!_OS (for use with openQA)
- os-release - Rust crate for parsing the /etc/os-release file, common with Linux distributions
- packagekit-zbus - Rust bindings for PackageKit
- packaging-ci - WIP Rust rewrite of the Pop packaging CI script, using async/await
- packaging-cog - Packaging for https://github\.com/replicate/cog
- packaging-firefox - Debian packaging of Mozilla Firefox
- packaging-julia - Packaging of Julia lang from official releases
- packaging-kinect - https://web\.cs\.ucdavis\.edu/~okreylos/ResDev/Kinect/index\.html
- packaging-natron - debrep-compatible Debian packaging for Natron
- packaging-rust - Packaging of Rust toolchain from official releases
- packaging-sarndbox - https://web\.cs\.ucdavis\.edu/~okreylos/ResDev/SARndbox
- packaging-thunderbird - Debian packaging of Mozilla Thunderbird
- packaging-vrui - https://web\.cs\.ucdavis\.edu/~okreylos/ResDev/Vrui/
- partition-identity - Find the ID of a device by its path, or find a device path by its ID.
- pidfd - Rust crate providing Linux (>= 5.3) PID file descriptor support
- pipewire - Packaging fork
- pipewire-rs - Fork of https://gitlab\.freedesktop\.org/pipewire/pipewire\-rs
- plymouth - Pop!_OS fork of https://salsa\.debian\.org/debian/plymouth
- plymouth-theme - Plymouth splash screen themes
- pop - A project for managing all Pop!_OS sources
- pop-arm64 - Experimental scripts for building an Pop!_OS for ARM64 EFI platforms.
- pop-sync - WIP utility for syncing Pop!_OS utilities
- popsec - WIP Pop!_OS Security Daemon and Settings
- popsicle - Multiple USB File Flasher
- proc-modules - Rust crate for fetching a list of kernel modules from /proc/modules
- proc-mounts - Rust crate for fetching active mounts and swaps on a Linux system
- progress-streams - Rust crate to extend io::Read & io::Write types with progress callbacks
- protonvpn-nm-lib - ProtonVPN NM Library
- pyflatpak - A simple Python wrapper around flatpak commands
- python-apt - Pop!_OS fork of https://salsa\.debian\.org/apt\-team/python\-apt
- raspi-img - Raspberry Pi 4 Image
- recently-used-xbel - Rust crate to parse ~/.local/share/recently-used.xbel
- repo-curated-free - APT repository configuration for building an apt repository with only free software.
- repo-multiarch - Future repository configuration for i386 packages
- repo-proprietary - Configuration for building the proprietary repo with debrep
- repo-release - Produces Pop release package repositories
- repo-ubuntu-mirror - APT repository configuration for building an apt mirror of Ubuntu
- repolib - Python library for managing APT sources
- repoman - Easily manage PPAs
- rtl8821ce-dkms - Backports of https://packages\.ubuntu\.com/kinetic/rtl8821ce\-dkms
- rust-tss-esapi - TSS 2.0 Enhanced System API (ESAPI) Rust wrapper
- sctk-adwaita - Adwaita-like SCTK Frame
- session - Session default settings
- sessioninstaller - Pop!_OS fork of https://launchpad\.net/sessioninstaller
- shell - Pop!_OS Shell
- shell-shortcuts - Application for displaying and demoing Pop Shell shortcuts
- shop - Pop!_Shop
- sideload - Fork of https://github\.com/elementary/sideload
- simple-wrapper
- smithay - Fork of https://github\.com/Smithay/smithay with pending patches
- smithay-clipboard - Provides access to the wayland clipboard for client applications
- snapshot - A utility for taking btrfs snapshots of Pop!_OS installs
- softbuffer - Softbuffer integrates with the raw-window-handle crate to allow writing to a window in a cross-platform way while using the very high quality dedicated window management libraries that are available in the Rust ecosystem.
- sponsors - The API behind Pop!_OS donations
- srmw - Rust crate which provides async functions to read data from a single reader, and write it to many writers.
- steam - Fork of https://salsa\.debian\.org/games\-team/steam\-installer with improved packaging for Pop
- support-panel - Support panel for the settings application in Pop!_OS
- sys-mount - High level FFI binding around the sys mount & umount2 calls, for Rust
- sysfs-class - Rust library for viewing /sys/class in an object-oriented format
- system-updater - Systemd services for checking for and applying system updates.
- system76-acpi-dkms - System76 ACPI Driver (DKMS)
- system76-dkms - System76 DKMS driver
- system76-driver - System76 Driver for Pop!_OS
- system76-firmware - System76 Firmware Tool and Daemon
- system76-io-dkms - DKMS module for controlling System76 Io board
- system76-oled - Control brightness on OLED displays
- system76-power - Power profile management for Linux
- system76-scheduler - Auto-configure CFS and process priorities for improved desktop responsiveness
- system76-wallpapers - System76 Wallpapers
- systemd - Pop!_OS fork of https://git\.launchpad\.net/~ubuntu\-core\-dev/ubuntu/\+source/systemd
- systemd-boot-conf - Rust crate for managing the systemd-boot loader configuration.
- tensorman - Utility for easy management of Tensorflow containers
- theme - A metapackage including pop-fonts, pop-gtk-theme, and pop-icon-theme
- theme-switcher - Pop!_OS GTK widget library / app for switching themes
- tiler - Generic tiling window manager library in Rust
- timedate-zbus - Migrated to https://github\.com/pop\-os/dbus\-settings\-bindings
- token_expander - Rust crate with a shell-like tokenizer & token expander
- touchegg - Pop!_OS fork of https://github\.com/JoseExposito/touchegg
- tpm2-totp - Attest the trustworthiness of a device against a human using time-based one-time passwords
- transition - Simple Dialog to allow users to transition deprecated Debian packages to Flatpak
- ubuntu-drivers-common - Pop!_OS fork of https://git\.launchpad\.net/ubuntu/\+source/ubuntu\-drivers\-common
- ubuntu-meta - Pop_OS! fork of https://packages\.ubuntu\.com/kinetic/ubuntu\-minimal
- ubuntu-version - Rust crate to convert Ubuntu versions to codenames, and vice versa.
- upgrade - Utility for upgrading Pop!_OS and its recovery partition to new releases.
- upower-dbus - Migrated to https://github\.com/pop\-os/dbus\-settings\-bindings
- url-scraper - Rust crate for scraping URLs from HTML pages
- usb-disk-probe - Rust crate which provides a stream type which can be used to probe for USB storage devices in the system.
- v4l2loopback - Backports from https://code\.launchpad\.net/ubuntu/\+source/v4l2loopback
- virtualbox - Pop!_OS fork of https://salsa\.debian\.org/pkg\-virtualbox\-team/virtualbox\.git
- virtualbox-ext-pack - Fork of https://salsa\.debian\.org/pkg\-virtualbox\-team/virtualbox\-ext\-pack
- vulkan-loader - Backport of https://salsa\.debian\.org/xorg\-team/vulkan/vulkan\-loader/
- wallpapers - Wallpapers for Pop!_OS
- wayland - Backport of https://salsa\.debian\.org/xorg\-team/wayland/
- wayland-protocols - Backport of https://salsa\.debian\.org/xorg\-team/wayland/wayland\-protocols for Mesa packaging
- website - The Pop!_OS website
- wgpu - Cross-platform, safe, pure-rust graphics api.
- whitespace-conf - Parses configuration files which are key-value pairs delimited by whitespace.
- window_clipboard - A library to obtain clipboard access from a `raw-window-handle`.
- winit - Development fork
- wireplumber - Backports of https://salsa\.debian\.org/utopia\-team/wireplumber
- xdg-desktop-portal-cosmic
- xdg-shell-wrapper - WIP xdg-shell wrapper
- xkb-data - Keyboard layout data from xkb-data
- xorgproto - Backport of https://salsa\.debian\.org/xorg\-team/proto/xorgproto
- xwayland - Backport of https://salsa\.debian\.org/xorg\-team/xwayland/
- xz-utils - Pop!_OS Fork of https://salsa\.debian\.org/debian/xz\-utils
- zfs-linux - Pop!_OS fork of https://salsa\.debian\.org/zfsonlinux\-team/zfs\.git