.. toctree:: :glob: :hidden: concepts/*

Functional blocks in |hklpy2|.
The |hklpy2| diffractometer [1] is an ophyd PseudoPositioner, [2]
providing both pseudo coordinates and real coordinates. Movement in one
coordinate space updates the coordinates of the other space. For
diffractometers, the orientation matrix (
A monochromatic [3] radiation source is expected. See :ref:`concepts.wavelength` for more details.
pseudos: | Virtual coordinates (crystallographic h, k, l), computed from reals. |
reals: | Positioners (rotation motors) in physical coordinates. |
An ophyd PseudoPositioner relies on the :meth:`~hklpy2.diffract.DiffractometerBase.forward()` and :meth:`~hklpy2.diffract.DiffractometerBase.inverse()` methods.
from | to | solution(s) | transformation |
reals | pseudos | 1 | :meth:`~hklpy2.diffract.DiffractometerBase.inverse()` |
pseudos | reals | 0, 1, or more | :meth:`~hklpy2.diffract.DiffractometerBase.forward()` |
A |solver| provides computational support for one or more diffractometer
geometries. Each geometry has a specific set of pseudos, reals, and other
terms which support the forward()
and inverse()
transformations. See
:ref:`concepts.solvers` for more details.
The :class:`~hklpy2.diffract.DiffractometerBase` class provides the ophyd PseudoPositioner. This class relies on :class:`~hklpy2.ops.Operations` to provide most features (sample, lattice, reflections, ...) and to connect with the diffractometer's chosen |solver|. See :ref:`concepts.ops` for more details.
The creator()
function reduces the effort to create all but the most
complex diffractometer objects. See :ref:`concepts.creator` for more details.
All diffractometers are created as subclasses of
:class:`!hklpy2.diffract.DiffractometerBase`. This base class defines a
diffractometer as an ophyd.PseudoPositioner
. See :ref:`concepts.diffract`
for more details.
.. seealso:: :ref:`glossary`
[1] | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diffractometer |
[2] | https://blueskyproject.io/ophyd/user/how-to/pseudopositioner.html |
[3] | monochromatic: The variation of wavelengths in the source is negligible for scientific interpretation. |