Full documentation on Installation, Configuration and supported functionality can be found at the probe-rs webpage and under the visual tour heading
To work on this extensions, you first need to install VS Code and nodejs. Afterwards, follow the following steps:
Checkout this repository
Inside the repository, install the prerequisites:
npm install
Install the extensions VS Code recommends. If you prefer to do this manually, you can find the list of recommended extensions in the repository's `.vscode/settings.json' file. These can then be installed from the command line, for example:
code --install-extension amodio.tsl-problem-matcher
Open VS Code
Press F5 to start a new VS Code instance where the extension can be debugged. You can also open the "Run and Debug" panel in the left sidebar, and then start the "Extension" debug configuration.
- Press
to build and launch executableprobe-rs-debugger
. VSCode will open another VS Code window, titled [Extension Development Host]. - In this new VSCode window,
- Open an existing project, or create a new one.
- In your project, configure the
in your project, as per the minimum configuration example. - Select the debug environment you just created.
- Press
to start debugging.
- Press
- Clone the probe-rs repository, and
open it in VSCode.
- In this
repo, select the debug environmentDAP-Server probe-rs-debugger
- Press
to startprobe-rs-debugger
as a debuggable server.
- In this
- Switch to the VSCode instance of the probe-rs
repository. - In this new VSCode window,
- Open an existing project, or create a new one.
- In your project, configure the
in your project, as per the existing debugger server example. - Select the debug environment you just created.
- Press
to start debugging.
- Press
The extension can only be released as part of the CI process on GitHub Actions.
- The CI process will automatically build the extension and publish it to the VSCode Marketplace when the project maintainers create a new release on GitHub.
Building the extension refers to the process that generates the installable
Follow the instructions to setup your development environment.
In a terminal window, execute the following command:
npm run package
This will generate a .vsix file in the root of the repository
Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed, without any additional terms or conditions, according to:
- Apache License, Version 2.0 (LICENSE-APACHE or http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
- MIT license (LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) at your option.