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Releases: processing/processing4

Processing 4.4.1

21 Mar 10:10
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Processing 4.4.1 Pre-release

What's Changed 🎊

The 4.4.0 release contained a few regressions and bugs. This release fixes those.

We are also adding specific app icon designs for Linux and Windows so Processing looks stylish and at home on every platform 💅


Bug Fixes


Full Changelog: processing-1300-4.4.0...processing-1301-4.4.1

Processing 4.4.0

14 Mar 14:53
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Processing 4.4.0 Pre-release

Happy Pi Day!

Today we are finally releasing Processing 4.4.0!

There are a few noticeable changes for users. Processing now installs more seamlessly across platforms. Windows users get a new .msi installer, macOS users a custom .dmg, and Linux users can install Processing via Snapcraft. A portable version is also available for those who prefer a standalone setup. You'll also notice a shiny new splash screen by @runemadsen.

Most of the work happened behind the scenes, including various quality-of-life improvements for developers working on the codebase. Key updates include migrating the build system from Ant to Gradle and beginning the transition from Swing to Jetpack Compose Multiplatform. This is part of a global effort to modernize the project's infrastructure to support future developments, and make it easier for more people to get involved.

A huge thanks to the testers and advisors who helped catch issues ahead of this release 💙

Read more about the Changes in 4.4.0

What's Changed 🎊


Bug Fixes

  • Fixes #896 : Fixed getVertexCount() method issue of giving output 0 for GROUP shapes by @inteqam in #939

Deprecation Notice

  • Starting with Processing 4.4.0, 32-bit versions will no longer be released. This is mainly due to technical limitations; ARM32 is not supported by Jetpack Compose or GitHub Workflows. If you need a 32-bit version of Processing (for older Raspberry Pi models, or certain Chromebooks) we recommend using Processing 4.3.4.


New Contributors

Full Changelog: processing-1297-4.3.4...processing-1300-4.4.0

Processing 4.3.4

21 Feb 09:15
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What's Changed 🎊

  • Updated dependency locations to somewhere more stable 🤞 by @Stefterv in #933
  • Fix #825 - Showing wrong errors' line numbers for .java files by @e1dem in #937
  • Disable sketch folder deletion by @Stefterv in #943

New Contributors

Full Changelog: processing-1296-4.3.3...processing-1297-4.3.4

Processing 4.3.3

21 Jan 17:12
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What's Changed 🎊

Bug fixes, and a shiny new "Export PDEZ" feature added to the File menu. Export your sketches to a .pdez bundle directly from Processing.


Bug fixes

  • Update alongside todo.txt by @Stefterv in #887
  • Refactor PShapeSVG.parseRect() to parse rx and ry attributes by @Junology in #905
  • Fix: set stroke and fill properly in PFont.getShape by @Junology in #910
  • New ThinkDifferent method activateSketchWindow() by @hx2A in #912
  • Fix Sketch Window Resizing Issues with Java2D Renderer on Windows by @Stefterv in #932
  • Fix for NullPointerException thrown in PApplet.dequeueWindowEvents() by @hx2A in #930
  • Adds gradient export to SVG library by @tracerstar in #929
  • Set Layout in Java2D by @Stefterv in #928


New Contributors

Full Changelog: processing-1295-4.3.2...processing-1296-4.3.3

Processing 4.3.2

12 Dec 16:24
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What's Changed 🎊


  • Add all seven of the javafx modules to by @vsquared in #856
  • Fix #698 - Sketches weren't opening on launch because the untitled folder did not exist yet by @Stefterv in #854
  • Fix JAVA2D problem in shapes with multiple contours by @hx2A in #871
  • Refactor SVG path parser to accept scientific notation by @Junology in #873
  • Fix for IMKClient and IMKInputSession warning messages by @Stefterv in #872
  • 4.3.1 arm64 fix by @Stefterv in #868
  • Sign macos prebuilds by @Stefterv in #869


  • Update core/ on how to use the core library from Maven Central. by @plopez01 in #859

New Contributors 💙

Full Changelog: processing-1294-4.3.1...processing-1295-4.3.2

Processing 4.3.1

12 Nov 14:38
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: processing-1293-4.3...processing-1294-4.3.1

Processing 4.3

12 Nov 10:27
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Revision 1293 – 26 July 2023

This release incorporates several contributed fixes (see below) and a few additional bug fixes and changes. The icons have ben updated a bit so that Processing is less likely to be confused with Visual Studio Code when seen in the dock or task bar, and the splash screen colors and layout have design tweaks as well.

  • Update documentation and process for updating language files for localization 722

  • Inherit dark mode from system settings on macOS 699

  • Use calculated text height instead of OS ascent for better vertical centering. Note: this may cause some sketches to look slightly different if textAlign(..., CENTER) is being used. 739

  • Bumped Java to 17.0.8+7.

  • Fix NullPointerException when background() exceeds color range when writing PDF 740


  • Updated icons and splash screen colors from @fathompaul.

  • Register pde:// browser protocol for .pdez and .pdex files on Linux from @lala-lala-lori 674, 696

  • Syntax error highlighting placement / width incorrect from @sampottinger 714, 715

  • Better comment/uncomment key shortcut for French systems from @ThinkDumbIndustries 625, 660

  • Fix tweak mode issue with hex codes including transparency from @sampottinger 720, 721

  • LSP feature/declaration support from @Efratror 676, 678

  • Also reference support for Language Server Protocol from @Efratror 684, 690

  • Updates to the Spanish and Catalan translations from @trikaphundo 744, 746, 743, 745

  • Debugger was listing immediate array dimension last, fix from @WillRabalais04 606, 729

  • Second beginDraw() / endDraw() call clears PGraphics object when created w/ P2D 641, 728

Processing 4.2

19 Aug 06:45
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Revision 1292 – 20 February 2023

Impress your friends with new pde:// protocol handlers! With Processing 4.2, you can link to .pdex and .pdez files to immediately run and install libraries and sketches. How it works:

  • Linking to pde:// in the browser will download somesketch.pdez and load it into the editor. It also works for files, for instance pde:///Users/ada/Desktop/somesketch.pdez will open an archive found on the Desktop.

  • This also works for contributions (Libraries, Modes, Tools) archived as .pdex files.

Both file types are simply a renamed .zip file. So to create sketches in .pdez format, use Tools → Archive Sketch, and replace the .zip with .pdez.

This is implemented for macOS and Windows (#559), based on this article which appears to be from @pboucher. Thank you! We still need help with implementing and testing it on Linux (#674). We would also like to add a warning dialog when opening files this way (#560).

In addition to the protocol handlers, there are a number of fixes in this release, especially for Windows users (and soon, for Python users).

Windows users, we still love you

  • The .pde, .pdex, and .pdez icons now work on Windows!

  • Exporting projects to Windows resulted in “cannot find Java” errors, now fixed. #667

Snake people, we love you too

  • Several internal changes have been made to better support future releases of Python Mode. Fingers crossed that we'll be able to launch some of this soon.

And still we fix the bugs

  • Fix encoding problem in “has been resized from 100?100 to 116?100 by the window manager” messages when using OpenGL.

  • fullScreen(P2D) not using the full screen when Windows display is scaled to fractional sizes. #514.

  • Table.getString() raises stack overflow when column type set to double. #671

  • Added support chained decimals during SVG Parsing (contribution from @bsapozhnikov) #515, #659

  • Applications were being exported to the wrong folder. #601

  • Fixed more /tmp folder problems on Linux. #666

Processing 4.1.3

19 Aug 06:44
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Revision 1291 – 9 February 2023

Rollup of bug fixes from the past few weeks. Mostly in the Contributions Manager, several others too.

bug fixin'

  • Lots of work on the Contributions Manager to deal with concurrency issues (and myriad problems revealed in the process). #640

  • Preferences were not saved when closing Processing under certain circumstances. #608

community contributin'

  • Fix typos in French translation. #661

  • Improved documentation for lerpColor() function. #655

house cleanin'

  • Warn users about multiple libraries with the same name.

  • Tool tips for errors and warnings not picking up correct colors from the theme. Also made fixes for the margins and border of the popup.

  • Many more updates to the contribs wiki

internal changin'

  • Update to JDK 17.0.6+10 from Adoptium

  • Set all build.xml files to use Java 17. Also fix several that still had tabs instead of spaces.

  • Add exports to the library parameters.

  • Fix inversion of handleSaveAs() (regression from earlier)

Processing 4.1.2

19 Aug 06:44
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Revision 1290 – 16 January 2023

Happy Martin Luther King Jr. day!

Contributions Manager

The majority of the work for this release went into cleaning up and fixing the Contributions Manager. (What you see when importing Libraries, managing Modes, etc.) Please, please, please help us out and give it a lot of testing. This is old, messy, and important code that is easy to break in major ways. If you have trouble with it, please file an issue!

  • The “Manage Modes…” menu item was opening an empty window. #613

  • Fix Cannot invoke "javax.swing.JProgressBar.setVisible(boolean)" because "this.progressBar" is null error when using Update All. #618

  • Libraries from the Foundation (i.e. Video, Sound, and JavaFX) will now be reported properly on the stats page.

  • Updated the Wiki pages about Libraries, Modes, Tools, and Examples for Processing 4. These pages were copied over from the Processing 3 repository, but needed some cleaning. Still more work to do here, but it's a start.

  • Implemented per-line indicators for download/install status. Eventually these will replace the progress bar in the bottom panel.

  • Removed an old workaround for a NullPointerException while making selections. If it reappears, please file a new issue. #3667

@sampottinger saves us again

  • “Cannot find a class or type named ‘PApplet’” error #626, #635

  • Cannot use @Override and @Deprecated in static mode #619, #622

  • color in imports shows up as an error in the editor (even though the code still runs) #521, #636

  • Sketch folders with spaces or hyphens showing errors in the editor window (even though the code still runs) #610, #637

Other Bug Fixes

  • Help Menu sometimes disabled on macOS. This is a Java bug, but it's been closed as “cannot reproduce,” so I managed to find a workaround. #4353, #617, #638

  • Fixed ClassCastException with copy() and PGraphicsJava2D. #624

Additions? Why Not.

  • The shortcuts for Find Next and Find Previous (i.e. ctrl-G and ctrl-shift-G on Windows/Linux) now work inside the Find/Replace window.

  • Show a warning when calling clear() on the primary drawing surface. #627