To reserve a range of pids for future records loading,
reserved pids will have the status RESERVED
For information on how to use the new cli:
pipenv run invenio utils reserve_pid_range --help
Available options:
- pid_type: the pid type of the resource as configured in,
-- example: itm for the item resource
- records_number: number of new records(with pids) to load.
- unused: set that the status of unused (gaps) pids to NEW.
Call examples:
To reserve 100 pids for patrons
pipenv run invenio utils reserve_pid_range -p ptrn -n 100
- reserve 2 pids for
loading and - fill the gap of the unused pids and assign the status
to them
pipenv run invenio utils reserve_pid_range -p org -n 2 -u