Releases: pymodbus-dev/pymodbus
Pymodbus v3.3.1
Bug fix release !
- transport fixes and 100% test coverage. (#1580)
- Delay self.loop until connect(). (#1579)
- Added mechanism to determine if server did not start cleanly (#1539)
- Proof transport reconnect works. (#1577)
- Fix non-shared block doc in config.rst. (#1573)
Thanks to:
Hayden Roche
jan iversen
Philip Couling
pymodbus v3.3.0
- Stabilize windows tests. (#1567)
- Bump mypy 1.3.0 (#1568)
- Transport integrated in async clients. (#1541)
- Client async corrections (due to 3.1.2) (#1565)
- Server_async[udp], solve 3.1.1 problem. (#1564)
- Remove ModbusTcpDiagClient. (#1560)
- Remove old method from Python2/3 transition (#1559)
- Switch to ruff's version of bandit (#1557)
- Allow reading/writing address 0 in the simulator (#1552)
- Remove references to "defer_start". (#1548)
- Client more robust against faulty response. (#1547)
- Fix missing package_data directives for simulator web (#1544)
- Fix installation instructions (#1543)
- Solve pytest timeout problem. (#1540)
- DiagnosticStatus encode missing tuple check. (#1533)
- test SparseDataStore. (#1532)
- BinaryPayloadBuilder.to_string to BinaryPayloadBuilder.encode (#1526)
- Adding flake8-pytest-style` to ruff (#1520)
- Simplify version management. (#1522)
- pylint and pre-commit autoupdate (#1519)
- Add type hint (#1512)
- Add action to lock issues/PR. (#1508)
- New common transport layer. (#1492)
- Solve serial close raise problem.
- Remove old config values (#1503)
- Document pymodbus.simulator. (#1502)
- Refactor REPL server to reduce complexity (#1499)
- Don't catch KeyboardInterrupt twice for REPL server (#1498)
- Refactor REPL client to reduce complexity (#1489)
- pymodbus.server: listen on ID 1 by default (#1496)
- Clean framer/ (#1494)
- Duplicate transactions in UDP. (#1486)
- clean ProcessIncommingPacket. (#1491)
- Enable pyupgrade (U) rules in ruff (#1484)
- clean_workflow.yaml solve parameter problem.
- Correct wrong import in test. (#1483)
- Implement pyflakes-simplify (#1480)
- Test case for UDP duplicate msg issue (#1470)
- Test of write_coil. (#1479)
- Test reuse of client object. (#1475)
- Comment about addressing when shared=false (#1474)
- Remove old aliases to OSError (#1473)
- pymodbus.simulator fixes (#1463)
- Fix wrong error message with pymodbus console (#1456)
- update modbusrtuframer (#1435)
- Server multidrop test.: (#1451)
- mypy problem ModbusResponse.
Thanks to:
Christian Krause
jan iversen
James Braza
Kenny Johansson
Pavel Kostromitinov
pymodbus v3.2.2
version 3.2.2 (picked from dev, only bugfixes)
- Add forgotten await
pymodbus v3.2.1
pymodbus v3.2.0
This release changes the development environment, please remember to update requirements and run "precommit --install".
There are smaller API changed, documented in API_CHANGES.rst, as well as 2 new methods to help receive/send values (in contrast to registers).
version 3.2.0
- Add value <-> registers converter helpers. (#1413)
- Add pre-commit config (#1406)
- Make baud rate configurable for examples (#1410)
- Clean _init and update log module. (#1411)
- Simulator add calls functionality. (#1390)
- Add note about not being thread safe. (#1404)
- Update docker-publish.yml
- Forward retry_on_empty and retries by calling transaction (#1401)
- serial sync recv interval (#1389)
- Add tests for writing multiple writes with a single value (#1402)
- Enable mypy in CI (#1388)
- Limit use of Singleton. (#1397)
- Cleanup interfaces (#1396)
- Add request names. (#1391)
- Simulator, register look and feel. (#1387)
- Fix enum for REPL server (#1384)
- Remove unneeded attribute (#1383)
- Fix mypy errors in reactive server (#1381)
- remove nosec (#1379)
- Fix type hints for http_server (#1369)
- Merge pull request #1380 from pymodbus-dev/requirements
- remove second client instance in async mode. (#1367)
- Pin setuptools to prevent breakage with Version including "X" (#1373)
- Lint and type hints for REPL (#1364)
- Clean mixin execute (#1366)
- Remove unused (#1362)
- Run black on top-level files and /doc (#1361)
- repl config path (#1359)
- Fix NoReponse -> NoResponse (#1358)
- Make whole main async. (#1355)
- Fix more typing issues (#1351)
- Test sync task (#1341)
- Fixed text in ModbusClientMixin's writes (#1352)
- lint /doc (#1345)
- Remove unused linters (#1344)
- Allow log level as string or integer. (#1343)
- Sync serial, clean recv. (#1340)
- Test server task, async completed (#1318)
- main() should be sync (#1339)
- Bug: Fixed caused by passing wrong arg (#1336)
Thanks to:
Alex Ruddick,
Jakob Ruhe,
James Braza,
jan Iversen
pymodbus v3.1.2
- Update README.rst
- Correct README link. (#1316)
- More direct readme links for REPL (#1314)
- Add classifier for 3.11 (#1312)
- Update README.rst (#1313)
- Delete ModbusCommonBlock.png (#1311)
- Add modbus standard to README. (#1308)
- fix no auto reconnect after close/connect in TCPclient (#1298)
- Update examples.rst (#1307)
- var name clarification (#1304)
- Bump external libraries. (#1302)
- Reorganize documentation to make it easier accessible (#1299)
- Simulator documentation (first version). (#1296)
- Updated datastore Simulator. (#1255)
- Update links to pydmodbus-dev (#1291)
- Change riptideio to pymodbus-dev. (#1292)
- #1258 Avoid showing unit as a seperate command line argument (#1288)
- Solve docker cache problem. (#1287)
Thanks to:
Alexandre CUER,
jan iversen,
Pymodbus v3.1.1
- add missing server.start() (#1282)
- small performance improvement on debug log (#1279)
- Fix Unix sockets parsing (#1281)
- client: Allow unix domain socket. (#1274)
- transfer timeout to protocol object. (#1275)
- Add ModbusUnixServer / StartAsyncUnixServer. (#1273)
- Added return in AsyncModbusSerialClient.connect (#1271)
- add connect() to the very first example (#1270)
- Solve docker problem. (#1268)
- Test stop of server task. (#1256)
Thanks to:
Alexandre CUER
jan iversen
pymodbus v3.1.0
We are happy to announce we have a new home pymodbus-dev, so now we are in a 100% FOSS home.
The move from riptideio (a company) was made possible thanks to @dhoomakethu
We hope that a 100% FOSS home will encourage more contributors to help make pymodbus even better.
- Add xdist pr default. (#1253)
- Create docker-publish.yml (#1250)
- Parallelize pytest with pytest-xdist (#1247)
- Support Python3.11 (#1246)
- Fix reconnectDelay to be within (100ms, 5min) (#1244)
- Fix typos in comments (#1233)
- WEB simulator, first version. (#1226)
- Clean async serial problem. (#1235)
- terminate when using 'randomize' and 'change_rate' at the same time (#1231)
- Used tooled python and OS (#1232)
- add 'change_rate' randomization option (#1229)
- add (#1225)
- Simplify CI and use cache. (#1217)
- Solve issue 1210, update simulator (#1211)
- Add missing client calls in (#1206)
- Advanced simulator with cross memory. (#1195)
- AsyncModbusTcp/UdpClient honors delay_ms == 0 (#1203) (#1205)
- Fix #1188 and some pylint issues (#1189)
- Serial receive incomplete bytes.issue #1183 (#1185)
- Handle echo (#1186)
- Add updating server example. (#1176)
Thanks to:
Chris Hung
jan iversen
Matthias Straka
Pavel Kostromitinov
Version 3.0.2
- Add pygments as requirement for repl
- Update datastore remote to handle write requests (#1166)
- Allow multiple servers. (#1164)
- Fix typo. (#1162)
- Transfer parms. to connected client. (#1161)
- Repl enhancements 2 (#1141)
- Server simulator with datastore with json data. (#1157)
- Avoid unwanted reconnects (#1154)
- Do not initialize framer twice. (#1153)
- Allow timeout as float. (#1152)
- Improve Docker Support (#1145)
- Fix unreachable code in AsyncModbusTcpClient (#1151)
- Fix type hints for port and timeout (#1147)
- Start/stop multiple servers. (#1138)
- Server/ correct logging when disconnecting the socket (#1135)
- Add Docker and container registry support (#1132)
- Removes undue reported error when forwarding (#1134)
- Obey timeout parameter on connection (#1131)
- Readme typos (#1129)
- Clean noqa directive. (#1125)
- Add isort and activate CI fail for black/isort. (#1124)
- Update examples. (#1117)
- Move logging configuration behind function call (#1120)
- serial2TCP forwarding example (#1116)
- Make serial import dynamic. (#1114)
- Bugfix ModbusSerialServer setup so handler is called correctly. (#1113)
- Clean configurations. (#1111)
Thanks to:
Alexandre CUER
Blaise Thompson
Gao Fang
jan Iversen
Joe Burmeister
Sebastian Machuca
Thijs W