To get started running the Quantum Kernel Training (QKT) Toolkit demos and tutorials, users should first clone the repository and install the required dependencies.
Navigate to your workspace and clone the repository using the HTTPS address.
cd path/to/your/workspace
git clone
This Github tutorial provides more information on cloning git repositories using ssh keys.
To avoid dependency conflicts, it is recommended to first start a new Python development environment. We use conda in this example:
conda create -n qkt-tookit python=3.9
conda activate qkt-tookit
Once a fresh environment has been created, installing the dependencies should be straightforward. Navigate to the top level of the repository and:
pip install -r requirements.txt
To make sure the notebooks will run on your local machine, you may test the QKT Toolkit locally. From the top directory:
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
make test
After the dependencies have installed, users may run the tutorials and guides on their local machines.