List the steps to build the binary and requirements from build environment
Clang 9.0.0
Python 3.6.3
Binary padding script
IPP can be automatically built by the project's makefile.
IPP sources needs to be placed under ./libs/ipp/ipp-crypto-ippcp_2021.4 folder.
Tools that are required to build IPP crypto lib described in the following link
It can also be built separately with the following flags:
CC=clang CXX=clang++ cmake CMakeLists.txt -B_build -DARCH=intel64 -DMERGED_BLD:BOOL=off -DPLATFORM_LIST="y8"
cd _build
make ippcp_s_y8
The binary generation contains the date of the created binary.
The date and the build num can be extracted from the production binary using SEAMCALL TDH.SYS.INFO (leaf #32), and taking the values of "build_date" and "build_num" fields.
In order to reproduce the exact binary, it is required to include the origin date, and the build number:
make RELEASE=1 TDX_MODULE_BUILD_DATE=<origin date in format YYYYMMDD> TDX_MODULE_BUILD_NUM=<build number>
- Build the project:
make RELEASE=1
- Clean everything:
make clean
- Clean everything including the IPP:
make cleanall