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This repository containers an Ansible playbook & role to deploy LabBot and related monitoring infrastructure (Grafana, Prometheus, cAdvisor, and node_exporter).

While it may work with others, this role is designed to be run against a Debian-based Linux distribution.


  1. Enter the host_vars directory and create a copy of labbot_host.example.yml named labbot_host.yml.
  2. Set all relevant values in labbot_host.yml. See Variables for more info.
  3. Run the following commands:
# Create a Python virtual environment (venv)
python3 -m venv .venv
# Activate the venv
source .venv/bin/activate
# Install Ansible (in the venv)
pip install ansible
# Install required Ansible roles/collections
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
# Run the playbook to initiate the deployment
ansible-playbook playbook.yml


The labbot Ansible role contains several optional components that are not included in the labbot_host.yml example file for the sake of simplicity; see roles/labbot/defaults/main.yml for advanced values such as backup options and more.

Bot monitoring setup

If this is a fresh deployment, LabBot will not automatically serve Prometheus metrics. This is because the prometheus_exporter cog will not yet be installed.

If this is the case, you will see a task named "Set LabBot prometheus_exporter cog scrape interval" fail during the Ansible deployment.

Follow the steps below and then re-run the playbook. It should no longer fail.

Enter a chat with the bot and run the following (where [p] is the configured prefix):

[p]repo add homelab
[p]cog install homelab prometheus_exporter
[p]load prometheus_exporter


Below is a description of the variables, both required and optional, for this deployment. Variables marked as required must be defined in host_vars as described in Usage.

Deployment Config

  • labbot_app_base_dir (optional): The parent directory for container configuration paths. Default: /opt.
  • labbot_container_name_prefix (optional): Prefix for all container names. Default: labbot_.

Bot Config

  • labbot_discord_token (required): The Discord bot token for LabBot.

Monitoring/Web Config

  • labbot_grafana_domain (required): Domain name for the Grafana web interface.
  • labbot_grafana_username (optional): Username for Grafana access. Default: labbot_admin.
  • labbot_grafana_password (required): Password for Grafana access.
  • labbot_grafana_container_user (optional): User ID for Grafana container. Default: current user ID.
  • labbot_prometheus_container_user (optional): User ID for Prometheus container. Default: current user ID.
  • labbot_prometheus_users (required): List of users for Prometheus authentication. Each user requires:
    • username (required): Username for Prometheus.
    • password (required): Plaintext password for Prometheus.
    • password_bcrypt (required): Hashed version of the password. This can be generated using: htpasswd -nBC 10 '<password>' | tr -d ':\n'.
  • labbot_prometheus_scrape_interval (optional): Prometheus metrics scraping interval in seconds. Default: 10.
  • labbot_prometheus_open_port (optional): Whether to bind Prometheus UI port on the host for debugging. Default: false.
  • labbot_cadvisor_open_port (optional): Whether to bind cAdvisor UI port on the host for debugging. Default: false.
  • labbot_certbot_letsencrypt_email (required): Email address for LetsEncrypt certificate registration.
  • labbot_certbot_dry_run (optional): Whether to run Certbot (for SSL certificates) in dry-run mode for testing/debugging. Default: false.

Backup Config (Optional)


The backup variables below are only needed if backups are enabled (labbot_enable_bot_backup: true).

  • labbot_enable_bot_backup (optional): Enable or disable bot backups. Default: false.

  • labbot_backup_report_webhook (required if backup enabled): Discord webhook URL for backup report notifications.

  • labbot_backup_report_mention_user_id (required if backup enabled): User ID to mention in case of a backup failure.

  • labbot_rclone_configs (required if backup enabled): List of rclone remotes for backup uploads.
    For more information, see the stefangweichinger.ansible-rclone documentation.

  • labbot_rclone_backup_remotes (optional): List of strings, where each string is the name of a defined rclone remote (see labbot_rclone_configs), to which backups should be uploaded.
    This is useful if you use virtual remotes in rclone, such as the crypt remote, as you would likely not want the backup to be uploaded to both your origin and crypt remote, for example.
    If unset or an empty list (default), backups will be uploaded to ALL remotes.

  • labbot_rclone_config_location (optional): Path to the rclone configuration file. Default: /root/.config/rclone/labbot_backup_remotes.conf.

Misc. Config (Optional)

  • labbot_ssh_keys (optional): List of SSH keys to install on the host.


Most common settings are variablised, however I only prepared this for shared use/more generic environments after extracting it from my own infrastructure definitions, so there may be some things that are still 'hardcoded', otherwise inoptimal for a shared configuration, or not fully tested.