This repository offers the examples of Rclex, that is ROS 2 client library for Elixir.
Each example project is located in a subdirectory. Please refer to the respective README for operating instructions.
- rclex_talker : simple talker on single node
- rclex_talkers : simple talkers on multiple nodes
- rclex_listener : simple listener on single node
- rclex_listeners : simple listeners on multiple nodes
- rclex_topic : pub/sub communication on the same node to single topics
- rclex_topics : pub/sub communication on multiple nodes to corresponding topics
- turtle_teleop_rclex : teleoperation for turtle_sim from the key input
- turtle_pose_phoenix : web visualizer for the location of turtle_sim
Currently, we have tested the operation of examples in the following environmet.
- Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS (Focal Fossa)
- ROS 2 Foxy Fitzroy
- Elixir 1.13.4-otp-25
- Erlang/OTP 25.0.3
- Rclex v0.8.3
Please also refer to rclex documentation for more detail.
We also we provide rclex_docker environment to try out the examples right away. Let's get a quick start using the Docker environment!
$ cd your_woking_directry
$ git clone
$ cd rclex_examples/
$ docker compose run --rm rclex_docker /bin/bash
# inside container, change directory example one, this time `rclex_listener`
root@************:/# cd /root/rclex_examples/rclex_listener/
root@************:~/rclex_examples/rclex_listener# mix deps.get
# try example function
root@************:~/rclex_examples/rclex_listener# iex -S mix
iex(1)> RclexListener.subscribe_message
12:38:12.341 [debug] JobExecutor start
12:38:12.344 [debug] listener/chatter/sub subscriber process start
12:38:22.352 [debug] subscriber finished: listener/chatter/sub
12:38:22.353 [debug] finish node: listener
{:ok, #Reference<0.2781152389.209059862.173351>}