For an extensive guide on the different ways to contribute to Reflex see our Contributing Guide on Notion.
Here is a quick guide on how to run Reflex repo locally so you can start contributing to the project.
- Python >= 3.9
- Poetry version >= 1.4.0 and add it to your path (see Poetry Docs for more info).
1. Fork this repository:
Fork this repository by clicking on the Fork
button on the top right.
2. Clone Reflex and navigate into the repo:
git clone<YOUR-USERNAME>/reflex.git
cd reflex
3. Install your local Reflex build:
poetry install
4. Now create an examples folder so you can test the local Python build in this repository.
- We have the
folder in the.gitignore
, so your changes inreflex/examples
won't be reflected in your commit.
mkdir examples
cd examples
5. Init and Run
poetry run reflex init
poetry run reflex run
All the changes you make to the repository will be reflected in your running app.
- We have the examples folder in the .gitignore, so your changes in reflex/examples won't be reflected in your commit.
Any feature or significant change added should be accompanied with unit tests.
Within the 'test' directory of Reflex you can add to a test file already there or create a new test python file if it doesn't fit into the existing layout.
- Any feature or significant change that has been added.
- Any edge cases or potential problem areas.
- Any interactions between different parts of the code.
Once you solve a current issue or improvement to Reflex, you can make a PR, and we will review the changes.
Before submitting, a pull request, ensure the following steps are taken and test passing.
In your reflex
directory run make sure all the unit tests are still passing using the following command.
This will fail if code coverage is below 70%.
poetry run pytest tests/units --cov --no-cov-on-fail --cov-report=
Next make sure all the following tests pass. This ensures that every new change has proper documentation and type checking.
poetry run ruff check .
poetry run pyright reflex tests
find reflex tests -name "*.py" -not -path reflex/ | xargs poetry run darglint
Finally, run ruff
to format your code.
poetry run ruff format .
Consider installing git pre-commit hooks so Ruff, Pyright, Darglint and make_pyi
will run automatically before each commit.
Note that pre-commit will only be installed when you use a Python version >= 3.9.
pre-commit install
That's it you can now submit your PR. Thanks for contributing to Reflex!
To edit the templates in Reflex you can do so in two way.
Change to the basic blank
template can be done in the reflex/.templates/apps/blank
Others templates can be edited in their own repository. For example the sidebar
template can be found in the reflex-sidebar
For some pull requests when adding new components you will have to generate a pyi file for the new component. This is done by running the following command in the reflex
(Please check in with the team before adding a new component to Reflex we are cautious about adding new components to Reflex's core.)
poetry run python scripts/